Tuesday, July 10, 2018

D65-D70 Leaving the high Sierras 離開內華達山脈的高山

Days 65 to 70:

After two weeks of the PCT overlapping with the John Muir Trail, they finally split here in Yosemite National Park. It was nice to finally see some signage for the PCT again, like an old friend had finally returned for a visit.


Yosemite continued to impress with rocky peaks, waterfalls, lakeside camping, great swimming holes, and green forests.


The mosquitoes, unfortunately, were still just as bad as when I had started with Kirk two weeks ago. In the evening, it was almost impossible to stop walking, even for a few seconds for a drink of water or to take a picture, as the mosquitoes would instantly attack my non-moving limbs, ears, neck, etc. It got to be very frustrating after two weeks of this. One night I decided to have a campfire, thinking the smoke might keep the mosquitoes away.

I had my face right up as close as I could to the fire so that it was almost burning and still those mosquitoes were diving in for blood. They’re monsters!!


Finally the day came when I would leave Yosemite. I could see the pass far in the distance beyond this meadow that I would have to cross to leave the park.

Just below the pass was the large Dorothy Lake. This was the location of my daily swim; scenic but the water was pretty cold!

埡口下方有一個大面積的湖泊Dorothy Lake。這是今天下去游泳的地方,雖然很美但水溫低,有點難受。
Arriving at the pass, the view on the other side was surprising. Ahead there were mountains, but they were not the bare grey rock of the Sierras, but much rounder and greener. The transition was quite abrupt.

Luckily, although the terrain looked different, there was still ample water around. Here are Sugar Bear and his mom, Pink Panther, crossing a stream just outside Yosemite. Sugar Bear is the youngest person I’ve seen doing the PCT this year and is only fourteen!

雖然地形變了但水源沒有變少,出來後馬上又要過溪。這兩位是Sugar Bear和他媽媽Pink Panther,Sugar Bear是我今年看過要走PCT全程最年輕的人,他才十四歲。
An important milestone is reached just outside Yosemite as well. I have now walked 1000 miles on the trail, or over 1600 km.

As this is a popular spot for hikers to rest and eat, of course there are marmots around waiting to find some scraps of food.


What followed was possibly my favourite scenery on the trail so far. The terrain got very dry and the slopes were mostly scree. There was a huge ascent, but the trail was graded nicely so that it wasn’t a huge effort to get up.


Then the trail followed the ridge for a long time, offering great views for hours.


Finally, the terrain below turned into green, rolling hills as I descended to a highway crossing, Sonora Pass.


That evening I camped a few miles further up the trail and, miraculously, there were no more mosquitoes! What a relief!

The following day I passed what appeared to be some kind of volcanic bubble, as the rock sticking up was clearly different than all the surrounding rock and looked dark.
I had been carrying dehydrated refried beans for over 300 miles and today was the day to finally deal with them. I created possibly my best trail lunch yet using rice and veggies, refried beans, cheese, tuna with rice and beans in hot sauce, and tortillas. TASTY!


The scenery and terrain today continued to impress me. It was easy walking like the desert section, but not so dry and a lot more colourful.

Apparently there had been some trail magic at Sonora Pass the night before that I had missed because I didn’t go down a little side road. I made up for it today, however, when I reached the next highway crossing in the evening. There were three hikers there who had done the PCT last year. They had a great trail magic setup here with cookies, cake, fruit, ice-cold soda, and even hamburgers! What a surprise! I got there just in time, too, as they were getting ready to turn off the grill and pack up.

今天聽說昨天在Sonora埡口有trail magic,好像有人在幫登山客做鬆餅,但是我因為沒有轉彎走一個柏油路上去就沒吃到,聽到的時侯有點失望。不過今天晚上有補回來,我走到下一條馬路的時侯發現有三位去年完成PCT的人在那裡做trail magic,有餅乾、蛋糕、水果、冰的汽水,他們甚至會幫我們先考漢堡。我好感激他們,也覺得自己的運氣太好了,我到達的時侯已經很晚了,他們差不多要開始收東西但我還來的及吃到漢堡。
The next day was full of more beautiful scenery and easy walking.


This one reminds me of Daba in Taiwan.

By evening I had reached the next road crossing. There was a map showing the current location on the PCT. I’m not halfway yet but I sure have made some progress!


Climbing up after the road I passed a nice meadow and got a view of something strange to the north. It was so large and flat that I thought it was a low cloud layer in a valley ahead. Looking closer I figured out it was actually a massive lake! This must be Lake Tahoe. I had no idea a mountain lake could get this large.


The sunset this evening was one of the nicest I’ve seen on trail so far and I was glad to be out walking still to witness it.


The following morning I got to the next highway and hitched a ride into South Lake Tahoe. This turned out to be clear and blue despite its huge size and the amount of traffic and tourists around. I went for a swim in it of course, and was happy to discover that it was so much warmer than the other lakes higher up.

隔天早上我走到下一條公路,搭便車到附近的小鎮South Lake Tahoe。昨天看到的湖泊超級大,雖然湖邊的人口與觀光客多,湖水還很乾淨,顏色是純藍色。我當然下去游泳,很高興這裡的湖水比山上的溫暖多了。
I had to get to Canada for my cousin’s wedding at this point and the easiest transport hub nearby was Reno, Nevada. Kirk’s uncle Scott lives there and graciously agreed to come pick me up at Lake Tahoe and put me up for a night in Reno at his place. This was incredibly helpful and I really can’t thank him enough for his generosity. He even cooked up some more of his elk for me!


I will be off the trail for a week now for a wedding in Vancouver, Canada. It’s time to eat, eat, eat, eat, eat!!


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