Wednesday, July 4, 2018

D56-D64 Hot springs, new stuff, and a nice family 溫泉、新裝備、一個好家庭

Days 56 to 64:

After Muir Trail Ranch, we only had one more big mountain pass to get over, and then we were going off trail for a couple days to some nearby mountain resorts. The huge climb to Selden Pass was long and hot, but we had Sour Patch Kids to reward ourselves with at the top, and the view on the other side made it worth the effort:


Then it was all downhill the rest of the day, and the next day when we took the Bear Creek Trail to leave the PCT temporarily. This trail follows the clear, green waters of Bear Creek. 

It also presented us with the best swimming hole I’ve seen on the trail so far, found by Kirk. A little waterfall dropped into a deep pool here, and the water was warm enough so stay in for a long time, as the current washed away the day’s sweat and dirt.

At the end of the trail and after a few more miles of road walking, we arrived at Mono Hot Springs Resort. Bird had mentioned this place to us a few days earlier and it immediately piqued our interest. It’s not commonly known among PCT hikers and very few make it down here, but it’s actually not the far from the trail and should be more popular than it is. There is a general store, cabin and camping options for sleeping, a restaurant, a creek for swimming, and natural hot springs!


We sat down to eat at the restaurant, and Bird soon appeared with her partner Mikey. We weren’t sure if she would be here the same day as us, but it was a pleasant surprise and we all ate dinner together. Bird even brought some wine, made from her own grapes!


We went for a soak in the hot springs at night, and I went again in the morning for a soak and to get pictures. The setting couldn’t be nicer, and soaking in hot water feels incredibly good for the muscles after days of hiking.


Next, we went up the road to Vermilion Valley Resort.

Years ago, the valley was flooded when a dam was installed for hydroelectric power. Edison Lake was created in the process, and VVR sits on the shores of this lake. The resort is accessible by another side trail from the PCT or by water taxi and is a far more common stop for hikers. It’s similar to Mono, except there are no hot springs of course.


We were planning to have lunch and get out the same day, but later decided to spend the night and leave in the morning. Lunch wasn’t happening because they were having a water problem that would take a couple hours to fix, the camping was free, and Kirk needed to rest his leg. Not having to stick to a tight schedule is one of the great things about this trip. It turned out to be well worth it to stay for dinner:


The next day we left Edison Lake behind and had one more night camping on trail. The following day we walked through a recent burn area that was just starting to recover, before arriving at Red’s Meadow. This is a campground and resort area, and the end of a paved road that goes down to Mammoth Lakes, a resort town.

隔天我們離開Edison湖,在步道上過夜。之後我們又經過森林火災燒掉的地方,最後走到Red’s Meadow度假村。這裡是一條柏油路的終點,路會通到下面的一個村莊Mammoth Lakes。

I had been in the mountains for 18 days straight at this point; no laundry for 18 days, no shower for 18 days, and no Internet for 18 days, except a few minutes on Mount Whitney. I had a lot to do here, so I got to town before Kirk. I had a huge breakfast, which included this lovely thing for dessert:

到了Mammoth Lakes的時侯我已經在山上連續18天了,18天沒洗衣服,18天沒洗澡,除了在惠特尼山頂外也是18天沒上網,手機的問題也要處理。我要忙很多事情所以比Kirk早到村莊忙這些。首先要負責大吃,早餐店的主餐好吃我,甜點是這個超大肉桂捲:
Then I got a bunch of errands done, which included finally getting a new cell phone. The local store was out of stock, so I ended up having to hitchhike to Bishop, 50 miles away, to pick one up. Luckily, I got a ride from a guy going back home to Bishop. He took me to the AT&T store there, and then even offered to give me a ride 50 miles back to Mammoth! I treated him to a meal at a local Mexican restaurant to thank him. The whole experience of getting this phone, which seemed like a huge hassle at first, ended up being a pleasant little adventure.


It was also high time for me to get a new shirt. The one I had started the hike with just wasn’t cutting it:


Kirk and I met up and did our grocery shopping then he went back to the hostel while I did laundry at the laundromat. This was an interesting experience where a bad situation suddenly turned good. At first I was upset because the detergent machine at the laundromat was broken. This meant I would have to buy a large bottle of detergent from the grocery store, use it for one load, and then just leave it behind. This seemed wasteful to me at first. Five dollars isn't a lot, but when you only need 5% of that and 95% of it you have to leave behind it seems wasteful, at least in relative terms if not absolute. Then I remembered all the food, drinks, rides and other help I'd received over the last two months. I guess it was time to give back. Someone else would be happy to have free detergent. Indeed, when I was at the laundromat I saw a family there doing laundry and asked them if they wanted to take my detergent bottle because I couldn't carry it out. They were very happy to have it, and had a lot of questions for me about my trip and the PCT, as they had seen some thru-hikers in Yosemite before and were very curious. Instead of being bored out of my tree waiting for my laundry to finish and complaining about the broken detergent machine to myself, I ended up having a nice conversation with Cecilia, Mike and their daughter Lexi and was able to give them something useful. If I hadn't had to give away the detergent I probably wouldn't have started talking to them, so suddenly the five dollars didn't seem like waste but money well spent. Lexi’s brothers even wanted to introduce themselves to me briefly before they all left. Meeting this nice family was definitely one of the events on this trip that changed my perspective on things.


Back at the hostel, we did not get out early the next day, as it was nice to sleep in a real bed for a change, and one of the hikers staying there decided to cook breakfast for everyone that was around. Thanks so much, Moana!


Back on the trail, we passed by Devil’s Postpile National Monument, columnar basalt formations, i.e. magma that cooled down in a certain way.

Once again, we had a curious deer circling our campsite that evening.

The PCT split from the JMT in this area and we decided to follow the JMT instead, which seemed more scenic as it passed by more water. Eventually the two trails joined again and continued on into Yosemite National Park, the last of the three national parks the PCT passes through in the Sierras.


In Yosemite, we arrived at the Tuolomne Meadows campground and the very first road to actually cross the Sierras since Kennedy Meadows, an incredible 388 km ago. There was a store here, and for our last meal together, Kirk and I opted for canned food that would normally be too heavy to carry. This way we were able to enjoy green beans, chili, broccoli and salad: a true feast on the trail and a great way to celebrate Kirk’s successful section hike.

在優勝美地我們走到從Kennedy Meadows起算第一條橫貫內華達山脈的公路,也就是說前面388公里的山區很原始,車子無法過。這裡有露營區和商店,我跟Kirk決定吃平常不敢揹的東西:罐裝食物。四季豆、德州肉將、青花菜、沙拉,在步道上算是豪華的一餐,也是慶祝Kirk成功走完他預計走的這一段的好方法。

We did eight big passes and over 260 km together over some of the highest and toughest but most beautiful terrain the PCT has to offer. Except for a couple days of rationing, we also ate very well and had plenty of leisure time despite the hard miles. Here we are at Donohue Pass, the border of Yosemite National Park, on this our last day together. It’s been a blast!



  1. Hello Tyler,
    So glad to read that your journey continues and you’re doing well. Lexi and the boys are enjoying reading about it as well. Loving the beautiful scenery you share with us. Wish we would have known we could have taken you to dinner. Kids would have loved that. They always ask, “I wonder where Tyler is at about now?” Take care Tyler, I’ll continue to check on you blog for updates.

    1. Glad you are all enjoying the updates. Right about now I am actually at Stevens Pass WA with only 9 days left, though the blog is far behind. I will eventually finish writing about the whole journey though. Hope you are all doing well.
