Monday, June 25, 2018

D50-D55 Snow cones, tundra, and rationing 剉冰、苔原、斷糧危機

Days 50 to 55:

Leaving the campground, we had to go back over Kearsarge Pass to get back on the PCT. This was a harsh introduction to the trail for Kirk, as he was not acclimatized to the elevation and was starting with fresh legs. It wouldn’t have been my choice for where a friend should start onto the trail, but this was Kirk’s own decision so he did this all to himself! After several hours, we did make it up to the top of the pass, where we had a nice view of lakes on both sides.

Today was the first day of what would become a daily occurrence: a swim during the day to clean off the dirt and sweat and just to feel refreshed. These alpine lakes are freezing cold, but very clean, and I managed to find somewhere to swim for the next twenty days in a row. We stopped at Bullfrog Lake for a late lunch today at a flat grassy spot with a view of the Kearsarge Pinnacles.
Kirk had brought all my food for the next five days up to the campground and it was a lot different than what I had been eating before. We now had multigrain rice blends, pasta, dehydrated vegetables, fig newtons, and other goodies in our food bags. Check out this rice and veggies mix; not bad for trail food!
In the evening we walked a bit further and finally turned back onto the PCT itself. Mantas arrived around the same time and hung out with us for a bit. Kirk had brought a couple card games so we tried them out in camp that evening.
Notice how Mantas is completely covered in clothing and even has his bug net? This was the first night of the MOSQUITO HELL that was to last through the entire Sierra section. It wasn’t bad at all once you were fully covered with clothing, or with DEET like Kirk, but before that it was not fun.
From here on out, most days involved crossing a mountain pass. This meant a big uphill at the start of the day, and a descent at the end of the day. Our first pass was Glen Pass. Up at the top there was snow all around but with the sun it was still nice and warm. I took some time to lounge around and enjoy the view.
We descended through a short snowfield easily, thanks to the footsteps made by previous hikers. Below the pass is a set of lakes called the Rae Lakes. The turquoise colour of these lakes was almost unreal in its perfection. Obviously, we stopped here for lunch and a swim!

As we continued through the afternoon through King’s Canyon, the scenery never failed to impress. There were more lakes nearby, each with the same beautiful turquoise colour as Rae Lakes.
The moon is in its second cycle for me on the trail now and is getting closer to full now. It looked nice paired with the equally white snow on the mountain tops today.
We set up camp near a river crossing at a place frequented by deer. They really aren’t very scared of humans and walk around camp as if they own the place. Well, I guess they sort of do own the place.

The next day we crossed the river on one of the few bridges on trail. It’s a good thing, too, because this creek was raging and I don’t know how we could have crossed it safely otherwise.

Time to talk about trail treats! There are certain things you start to crave out here like pizza that you just can’t get. There are some things, however, that you can take with you, like candy. When Kirk and I were stopped for lunch one day, he noticed a gummy worm on the ground. What a shame, I thought. Such a waste of good candy. I went over to have a look and discovered it wasn’t actually *on* the ground per se, but propped up on some grass so it wasn’t covered in dirt. The five-second rule still applies out here, except it’s more like the five-day rule. Can’t waste good candy!
As we started the final push up to Pinchot Pass, we came across Threader, Leapfrog and Sharkbait stopped by a snowbank. They were using Mio flavour drops for water to flavour snowballs and eat them! A real snow cone out on the trail, and almost free! This was such a genius idea I had to get a picture of it.
我們要開始上Pinchot埡口的時侯遇到Threader、Leapfrog與Sharkbait ,三個人在雪堆旁邊停頓,他們拿飲料調味液加在雪球上來吃。在這麼偏僻的地方可以吃到免費的剉冰,這想法太聰明了,我忍不住拍照。
Lucky for us, they shared a few Mio drops with us and Kirk and I each got to eat a snowcone, too. Then we carried on to the top of Pinchot Pass.
On the other side of the pass, of course there were more lakes! Lake Marjorie still had snow melting into it on the opposite side, but made for a great afternoon rest spot and swimming hole anyway. I believe I only lasted about 20 seconds in this frigid water.

As with Guitar Lake, there were marmots all around. This little guy appeared to be suntanning on a rock.
After several days of creeks that I was able to cross by rock hopping or log crossing, we finally encountered a creek that we couldn’t cross without getting wet.
Unfortunately, the mosquitoes were also getting REALLY BAD at this point. I stopped to take off my shoes, socks and shorts here and put on my Crocs to cross the stream, but while stopped to do this I must have gotten bitten fifteen or twenty times by the swarm. Once we got across, camp was only a few minutes ahead. The first thing to do, as with every single night in the Sierras, was to quickly change into protective clothing and get the bug net on, at least for me.
Kirk used his bug spray where needed. The mosquitoes couldn’t bite through Kirk’s shirt, but they sure did try:
The next day we ascended Mather Pass. At the top, there was snow again and I got to thinking about the snow cones from the day before. When another group of hikers arrived at the top I told them about this genius idea, and they just happened to have some Mio drops with them. So, once again, we all enjoyed a fresh trail snow cone.
I didn’t use a cup for mine but just held it in my hands. This led to my fingers, lips and tongue all turning blue from the Mio drops, and the others to try giving me the trail name of Papa Smurf. I’ll leave it to your imagination what they were implying I did with Papa Smurf for those parts of my body to have turned blue…
我沒有用杯子,雪球直接拿在手上。因此,我的手指、嘴唇、舌頭都變藍色的。那一群人要說服我以後在步道上都用Papa Smurf這個綽號(藍色小精靈的精靈老爹),他們意味著我跟老爹做了什麼事讓我身體的這幾個部位會是藍色的我讓讀者自己猜...
The other side of the pass was, once again, a gorgeous deep valley.
This time the path went down quite low and we got back into the forest again. I even noticed a new kind of tree that reminded me of Saskatchewan right away: trembling aspen!

The next day we had to cross the mother of all passes on the PCT: Muir Pass. Although not as high as Forester Pass, at just 3,644 meters, it is notorious for being very snowy. Even in this, a low snow year, we were going to have to walk through two to three miles of snow at the top. On the way up we passed one lake, already free of snow and ice, where tadpoles could be seen in massive numbers along the shore. If you walked nearby and scared them, they swam away and the water itself seemed to be swarming and black.
Soon we passed the treeline and got into the land of snow.

The last lake below the pass, Helen Lake, was still mostly covered in ice and snow.
After that, we encountered full mountain slopes of snow. The path was not always obvious, but by following the tracks of others and sometimes adjusting your direction with the help of GPS, we eventually made our way up to the top of the pass.

At the top, there is an interesting octagonal stone structured called Muir Hut, built in the ‘30s but still in very good shape.

After a brief rest inside the hut, we headed down the far side of the pass. Once we were below the snowline, there was greenery. However, there were still no trees. This area is pure alpine tundra, and walking here reminded me of my time in Churchill, Manitoba and northern Alaska. It’s hard to believe this is actually California!

We camped at one of my favourite sites on the trail so far. We were near the lake, the tent spots were nice and flat, and we had a nice sitting and cooking area off to the side.
A couple days ago, we realized that we weren’t doing enough miles to get to our next resupply in five days as planned. We had started rationing our food at that point. In fact, the five days was already up now on this our sixth day, and we still had 20 more miles to go while our longest day so far had only been 15.7 miles. We decided to split up for the day. I would rush ahead to try pick up our food by 5 p.m. and Kirk would do the same mileage but meet me later in the day. That way we could have a big feast tonight and start replenishing calories!
I passed a few more gorgeous lakes on the way down, and finally passed the halfway point for California!

I encountered this river today. It was only the second one I had to cross by getting wet. Thanks to the lack of snow this winter, the river was not flowing too hard and it was a safe crossing.
I arrived at Muir Trail Ranch just after 4 p.m. , in plenty of time to pick up our food. Muir Trail Ranch is a resort not connected to the outside world by road. Clients hike in here and go horseback riding on nearby trails. Of course, the whole area is full of horse poop and smells like it, too. Here’s a “crappy” photo of a blue jay wandering around the ranch.
我在下午四點多到了補給點Muir Trail Ranch,還來的及領包裹。這個獨家牧場很特別,沒有車子能開的路通到這裡,房客要自己走步道進來,在這裡獨家的時侯會騎馬看附近的山。有馬就一定有馬的大便,味道彌漫著整個地方。這隻藍松鴉我拍了好幾張但每一張都有大便入鏡。

They also accept five-gallon buckets by mail for hikers, which are then brought up with pack animals. Kirk’s mom graciously agreed to prepare a bucket full of food for us, under Kirk’s direction, and send it here for us. It was like Christmas morning as I opened up the bucket and discovered what we would get to eat for the next five days.
The Ranch even lets us drop off garbage, fill up with spring water, and has a full set of hiker boxes for PCT and JMT hikers. I found a real gem in there, a bag of Sour Patch Kids, which would become a favourite of both mine and Kirk’s in the coming days.
這裡也讓登山客丟垃圾,也可以裝水,也有很多hiker box,裡面我找到一個很棒的糖果,日後會是我跟Kirk最愛的零食。
I also found an old sleeping pad, which I was able to cut to size and strap to my waist belt so the pack would fit better. The padding I had bought almost a month earlier was getting flat and worn out.
我在hiker box裡也找到一個舊睡墊。我一個月前在背包腰帶上裝的墊子已經壓扁了,所以我用這個睡墊取代。

That night after Kirk showed up we had a huge meal. I ate a litre and a half of pasta, which has to be some kind of personal record. Our food worries were over and the hardest passes were behind us so we were now in good spirits, ready to continue the journey.

1 comment:

  1. Love the pick with the tent and rocks, hard to tell which is which!
