Tuesday, June 19, 2018

D47-D49 Two highest points, three kinds of elk 兩個最高點、三種鹿肉

Days 47-49:

This next section would take me all the way to top of the Sierra Nevada mountains and to the meeting place arranged with my friend Kirk from Taiwan. From here on out, it was real alpine terrain.

One of the biggest differences in this section compared to the desert is that there are streams everywhere and we never have to worry about going thirsty. Whereas in the desert we regularly carried four litres of water at some point during the day, in the Sierras, only about one litre was needed to get between water sources.


The first major stop for me was Mount Whitney. It is not only the highest point of the Sierra Nevadas, it’s actually the highest point of the whole continental United States, and it will be the highest elevation I’ve ever hiked to. While it’s not directly on the PCT, it is only about a 9-mile side trip and certainly worth it. Our PCT permit allows us to ascend the peak, too. The night before I camped at Crabtree Meadows, whose luxurious outdoor toilet I had to share with everyone here:


The path up to Whitney goes through some pretty spectacular terrain: bright white rocks and crystal blue lakes.


This is Guitar Lake, so named because of its shape:


Although this terrain looks pretty harsh, there are still mammals living up here. Marmots were running around everywhere, hiding under rocks when hikers passed too close.


As the path continues upward, you can see more and more lakes and mountains in the distance. The stark contrast of grey and blue is something I’ve never experienced before:


Luckily, the PCT ascends slowly over a few days, allowing us to acclimatize to the high elevation, so today’s ascent wasn’t too difficult. Unluckily, my phone was essentially dead at this point and I discovered my camera ALSO wouldn’t charge. I had enough power left for a couple more days of pictures but that was it. That was a problem for another day, though.


Here is the peak of Mt. Whitney, 14,505 feet (4,421 meters), looking north. 


It is now the highest peak I have hiked, beating out Mount Kinabalu on Borneo by over a thousand feet. Looking to the east, you can see the desert valley and Lone Pine.

這是我這一生登過的最高峰,比馬來西亞神山高三百多公尺。東邊看得到沙漠平地和附近的村莊Lone Pine。

This is definitely different than the views in Taiwan, where the weather is warmer and the treeline much higher. At similar elevations in Taiwan you don’t see so much bare rock. The view to the south from Whitney:

And the view west, including the emergency shelter, still full of snow inside as of today.


Even after descending from the peak, the trail today continued to impress. The PCT joins up with the John Muir Trail (JMT) below Whitney, and they run mostly together for about the next two weeks. The JMT is one of the most popular long-distance trails in the US, and I saw many people going south on this trail as I headed north.

The day ended with a lovely bare plateau that reminded me of Mongolia, and more pine forest. The golden sunlight of late evening added a nice touch.

It was going to be hard to top this amazing day, but the next day came pretty close! The trail passed over another important marker: the highest point on the PCT. Mount Whitney is higher, but it’s a side trail, not actually on the PCT; today, I went over Forester Pass. It’s this little notch in the ridgeline:
我本來以為以後不可能有一天的風景比得上惠特尼那一天的,但是隔天就很接近了。這一天又要經過一個最高點,就是PCT本身的最高點,記得惠特尼風不是在PCT上而是在支線上。這個最高點叫做Forester Pass,是我在照片中指出的埡口。

The land below the pass was full of snow and icy lakes. This was the south side, warmed by the sun. We were expecting the other side of the pass to be even snowier. This morning I caught up to the two Taiwanese hikers I had met, Aurora and Metronome, and we went up the pass together.


Forester Pass is famous for the steep slope one must traverse just below it. This is one of the reasons people bring ice axes and crampons.

Luckily it was a low snow winter and there wasn’t much left when we went through. There were good footsteps in the snow already and we didn’t even need to use any special equipment to get through. At the top, we got a great view of the icy lakes below. Here’s me and Aurora at the pass, safely through the snow chute:


This is the highest point on the trail, and even though it’s actually a low point between two higher peaks, it’s still higher than Jade Mountain in Taiwan.


The north side was indeed covered in snow and everyone had a great time sliding all the way down. This was much easier than walking down and shaved probably 20 minutes off the day.

There was a bit of snow to walk through for the first half-hour on the other side. Here’s me and Metronome treading carefully through it:

Forester Pass marked the entrance to King’s Canyon National Park. Seeing the massive valley stretched out before us, the park’s name seemed appropriate.

I had planned to meet a friend from Taiwan, Kirk, today, who was going to join me for the next two weeks on trail. I had to take a side trail off the PCT and go over Kearsarge Pass down to a campground to meet him, and this trail ended up being well worth the walk. The Kearsarge Pinnacles above and more alpine lakes below made for great scenery:


By evening, I had reached the campground and was met with several wonderful surprises. Not only was Kirk there, but so was his uncle Scott.


I had sent an urgent message to Kirk from my dying phone on top of Mt. Whitney--the only place with cell service during the past 3 days--asking him to order shoes online for me and have them shipped ahead to the next town two weeks ahead. I simply didn’t have the battery power left to order them myself on the peak. The hiker box shoes I was wearing already had 150 miles on them from me, and who knows how many miles from the person before me, and they were getting thin. Well, Kirk didn’t just order the shoes; his uncle took him to an R.E.I. and he bought them in person and brought them out to me here! Instead of waiting two more weeks, I got to wear new shoes right away!

第二個驚喜:我在惠特尼的時侯是這三天唯一有訊號的地方,在山頂的時侯我傳了訊息給Kirk請他幫我訂鞋子並寄到我們兩個禮拜後會到達的小鎮,當時我壞掉的手機電量不夠讓我自己訂。我穿的鞋子是我在hiker box撿到的二手鞋,自己已經穿著此雙鞋走240公里了,丟棄鞋子的人不知道他穿了多久,現在鞋底已經磨得很薄。Kirk沒有幫我訂鞋,他叔叔載他去登山用品店親自買,所以我不用等兩個禮拜才可以換鞋,Kirk帶了新鞋到露營區讓我能馬上換!

The next surprise was the Scott had brought a bunch of elk from his hunting trips last year, and so much other good food, too. Elk steak on the trail has to be one of the greatest things ever.


Yet another pleasant surprise was the one of Kirk’s USB cables would actually charge my phone, so I would be able to take pictures over the next two weeks. The phone was still useless but in a couple weeks when we got to the next town I could buy a new one. 


Aurora and Metronome also got to the campground this evening, as they had to get down to a town to resupply the next day. It worked out well for them as Scott made us all eggs, elk sausage (!) and elk bacon (!) for breakfast the next morning. Scott was even able to give them a ride down into town on his way home.


It was time for me and Kirk to hit the trail. We will be in the high Sierra mountains, away from roads, cell service and civilization for the next 200 kilometers, or 10 days. 


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