Wednesday, June 6, 2018

D31-D36 Crossing the Mojave Desert 穿越莫哈韋沙漠

Days 31-36 第三十一至第三十六天:

The next section of the trail was going to be a challenging one. We would finally get down to the flat Mojave desert and cross it. At this lower elevation, and with the forecast being in the mid-to-high thirties, it was going to really feel like the desert.


Leaving Casa de Luna the terrain started getting drier right away.


The only water source for the day was a spring that was trickling very slowly. It took almost two minutes to fill up a single litre and we needed about four each, so it didn't take long for a long line of hikers waiting for water to form.


I read that the body adjusts to its environment and changes the salt composition of your sweat. Perhaps this has already happened for me. It was indeed really hot today and I sweat a lot, but there was far less salt on my face than earlier in the trip.


I was pushing for 30 miles today so I tried going about 18 miles before stopping for lunch. By that point I was pretty exhausted so I had a nice long break. I even experimented with a new ingredient for my wrap: crumbs from my bag of Triscuits for an added crunch, and a hot sauce packet. Tuna, cheese and cucumber rounded out the menu. Trail food rating: 4.5/5. Regular food rating: 1/5. Everything tastes good when you're high up on a mountain and hungry!


An important milestone was reached today: the 500 mile mark! That means there's only... 2150 miles left to go. And yes, the Proclaimers was stuck in my head for most of the day.

今天走到一個重要的里程碑,就是500英里或800公里,所以現在只剩下... 3440公里。今天一直想到The Proclaimers唱的一首歌500 Miles。

Near the end of the day, the trail passed through a beautiful treed area with pink, green and white plants on the forest floor.


This was the last night in the forest before descending to the flat desert below.


The next morning I started descending. There was another fun warning sign for hikers:


Finally, I arrived in the windy, dry, brown desert of death!


Upon arriving in the real desert, there is a highway crossing and another popular stop for hikers: Hikertown. Again, this is someone's private property where they have opened up the yard and some additional buildings for hikers to use. They have a well here, so there's a lot of water available. You can fill up your drinking water bottles, have a shower, do your laundry in a bucket outside and hide out in the shade.


They also accept hiker packages here. This is Metric Ton, who earned that name because he started out with a backpack weighing 100 pounds! He received a package here that was really overstuffed but somehow the postal service still allowed to be sent.

他們也會幫我們代收包裹,這一味是Metric Ton,他收到這個單一價郵資的箱子,塞得這麼滿我很驚訝郵局沒有拒絕。他的綽號Metric Ton(公噸)是因為他一開始揹100磅(45公斤)的背包。

Hikers can camp for free or rent one of the little town buildings here for $10.00 and sleep on a bed.

登山客可以在這裡免費搭帳篷,或者跟他們租他們庭園裡的一棟小屋子,只要十塊美金就可以睡床 。

Many people decided to start the next section in the evening, but I decided to get a bed to sleep on and wait till 2 a.m. when the moon would be up. Nobody was going to attempt the next section during the daytime, as it was about 17 miles until the first shade and water. The trail followed the Los Angeles Aqueduct over flat desert that would quickly roast you to a crisp by midday. Setting out at 2:00 a.m., I soon got to the California Aqueduct, which is exposed water running through the desert.


After that, I got to the Los Angeles Aqueduct, which is actually in a pipe and mostly buried underground. By sunrise, I was still walking along this aqueduct, which at this point was buried under a concrete road. There were 17 miles of walking in this kind of landscape; definitely not somewhere you would want to be during the heat of the day.


Eventually, the road ends up at the first wind farm the PCT traverses in this section.


After 17 miles, there is finally water from the aqueduct available, and shade under a bridge. It was time for a hard-earned break.


By this point the day was really starting to heat up, but as you can see, there is really not enough shade anywhere to hide in. The only thing to do is stay at the bridge, or push on another 7 miles through the wind farm. It was so big that it took two and a half hours to walk through!


Nine hours into the day, there was finally a real tree. Some other hikers were already hiding under it sleeping.


I pushed on a little farther to a canyon (Tylerhorse Canyon!) where there was finally a little stream to get drinking water and some bigger trees where some real shade could be found!


I ended up waiting out the afternoon heat for five hours here. Even just lying down not moving in the shade felt hot and extremely dry. Without water, even waiting in the shade unmoving like this all day might put you in big trouble. Thankfully, I had plenty to drink with the stream nearby. Every time I walked out into the sunlight though, it felt like death itself approaching. The shady spot I had found became like a prison cell without walls.


Finally, I was able to leave. The evening walk was very scenic, but involved a long two-hour ascent. This would have been hell to attempt during the day, but it wasn't too hot in the evening.


To everyone's surprise, at one of the campsites there was a very cool rest area set up by local trail angels. There was fresh fruit, boiled eggs, cookies, drinkable water, and chairs! With all this, and a great view of the desert below that was now behind us, it was a perfect spot to end the day.

到了前面一個營地的時侯我們都很驚訝,當地的trail angels有設一個豪華的登山休息區,有水果,水煮蛋,餅乾,飲用水,還有真正的椅子,前面的風景就是我們今天走完的平地沙漠,在這裡過夜為今天畫上了很完美的句點。

After sunset, there were even solar lights that came on that created a nice mood.


This has been my longest day yet: 32 miles!


The next morning, I left early to get into the town of Tehachapi by noon. The trail wound its way through yet another wind farm, this one even bigger than the last.


There was of course fire damage in this area, as with everywhere along the PCT. This tree was still hanging on for dear life:


I hitched a ride into town and set up my tent at... the airport. That's right! There is a park beside the airport taxiway that is open for short-term camping. There's a lot of shade here, nice grass, and even a portable shower!


I'm planning to take a full 48 hours here to rest up, and fill up on good food. For instance, here was breakfast the next day:


I wasn't really full after that, but at least I didn't feel hungry anymore. It's always a good idea to eat first before going to the grocery store, so that you don't feel hungry there and go crazy buying too much food. I still had to buy a lot, though, as the next section coming up is 135 miles long and there are no restaurants, towns or trail magic to be expected. This is my biggest food carry yet and is at least 15 pounds:

吃完竟然還沒吃飽但至少不會感到餓了。去逛超市前最好先吃東西,肚子餓的時侯逛什麼都會想吃,很容易買太多。下一段是216公里,而且途中不會有小鎮、餐廳或trail magic,要揹的食物是我在PCT上揹過最多的一次:

In just a week, I will be at Kennedy Meadows and ready to start the Sierra Nevadas, the most scenic section of the entire PCT. The desert is almost finished!

一個禮拜後我就會到Kennedy Meadows並開始走進PCT風景最美的內華達山脈,沙漠路快走完了!

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