Saturday, June 16, 2018

D37-D46 A windstorm, blisters, and moonshine 風暴、水泡、私酒

Day 37:

Yesterday I finally met some Taiwanese people doing the trail! Metronome and Aurora caught up to me in Tehachapi and were staying at the same hotel. Metronome is an experienced long-distance hiker but for Aurora, like me, it's her first long-distance trip. 


Today I finally got out of Tehachapi after 3 days in the town. After going up and over several mountain passes, the Mojave Desert is now out of sight behind me and it’s all mountains ahead. Still, there are wind turbines. 

I only had half a day to hike so I just did 21 miles today. The goal is to do 30-mile days from here to Kennedy Meadows, where I will be able to take a nice long zero day. 

今天只走半天所以進度只有33公里。在這一段我的目標是每天走接近50公里,越早到Kennedy Meadows可以休息越久。

Day 38:

I woke up late and started walking at 8am, which would make it very difficult to do 30 miles before dark. New blisters were also forming thanks to the hiker box used shoes I picked up in Tehachapi. This is very frustrating as they felt fine in town, and I have already sent my other shoes a month ahead on trail. Also, none of my other shoes gave me blisters like this. This slowed me down even more and left me in a bad mood, even when I passed the 600-mile mark. 


Thankfully I was able to make it far enough to see the Sierra Nevada mountains. This will be the most scenic section of the whole trail and I will be there in about 4 days. It's what everyone has been anticipating since Day 1 and getting to see it today was a great morale boost. 


As I climbed up toward the pass, the mountaintop was covered in vivid colours thanks to the flowers. 


Finally the view to the north opened up and I could see the Sierras. It was a nice ending to a rough day. 


Day 39:

I woke up early on my own today and even got to catch a sunrise with the Sierras just visible on the horizon.

The trail today was all very, very dry. In 8 miles, you could walk a half-hour off trail to get to a natural source, but that's pretty far out of the way. After that it was still another 24 miles before a natural water source, a total of 32 dry trail miles. Thankfully for us there are two water caches maintained by locals for the PCT and the latest information said they were well stocked. Indeed, we were able to get lots of water here, but it was a bit tricky to pour because it was extremely windy.

今天的步道幾乎沒有自然水源,是非常乾的一段路,13公里後有一個岔路,走下去半小時有水源但這樣來回就浪費一個小時,沒有在那裡取水要再走39公里才有自然水源,總共52公里沿途都無水源的路段。幸好在中途兩個地方當地的trail angels有藏水,而且我們最新的消息是兩處都還剩很多水。到了我們發現的確水多,但因為風很大所以很難倒。
In fact, the whole day was ridiculously windy. I have never walked in wind that strong for that long before. The winds must have been going at 60 or 70 km/h all day and there was just no shelter from it.


This made for miserable walking, as you had to push harder into the wind, your hat would get blown around or block your eyesight, and sometimes sand got thrown at you. Still, the views today down to the desert floor below were some of the best yet, and I passed the 1000-kilometer point on the trail!


The day was made worse by the pain in both feet I felt with every single step. These new shoes were horrible and I still had 3 days left before I would be anywhere near a store where I could replace them. Finally I gave up, took off the shoes, and put my Crocs on to hike in. The Crocs didn't touch the blisters and I felt instantly better.

The wind motivated me to keep moving, because there was nowhere nice to stop and have a break out of the sun and the wind, so I ended up having my biggest day yet, 32 miles. There was an old cabin at the end of this and I knew if I could just make it there, maybe I would have shelter from the wind for the night.

When I got there it turned out there was only one other person camped inside, so there was still room for me AND it blocked all the wind!

There were even lenticular clouds in the sky tonight thanks to all the wind.

The only bad part was that we heard there was a rat living there so we had to hang our packs in the air. Indeed we both woke up to find the rat watching us in the middle of the night.


This was maybe the hardest day yet thanks to the horrible windy conditions, but at least it ended well.


Day 40:

I continued hiking in Crocs and loving it today. I'm considering doing the rest of the trail in Crocs, after the snow sections, because they are just so comfortable. The wind was much much lighter today than yesterday, so I was able to take time to stop and enjoy the view from up high.

When I got to the only paved road we cross this whole week, I was delighted to see someone there doing trail magic! In fact, it was the same guy who had sold us hot dogs a couple weeks earlier on the trail, now moved up here. I had a cold drink and a turkey sandwich! 

到了這一段唯一要過的柏油公路時我發現有人在那裡進行trail magic,走過去看發現是300多公里前賣我們熱狗堡的那一位,他只是換了地方繼續做magic。我今天吃到火雞肉三明治,喝到冰的汽水。

Even better, there was a hiker box here and there was a pair of shoes in my size, the same brand I wanted to buy in a few days to replace the shoes from hell I was currently carrying. I tried them on and they were as comfortable as a pair of slippers.

旁邊有個hiker box,裡面只有兩雙鞋子可是其中一雙剛好是我 穿的尺寸,也剛好是我幾天後打算買的牌子來替換我現在揹的爛鞋子。我把這雙hiker box的二手鞋子穿上,竟然很舒服,尺寸剛剛好,觸感軟軟的,也不會磨到水泡,之後就穿著這一雙走吧!
The Crocs were great but they are very soft and might wear out fast. These new shoes would last longer and would get less sand in them as I walked. What a lucky day! On top of that, I passed another important milestone: one quarter of the trail is now done.

I ran out of daylight today and didn't make 30 miles. Also my left hamstring is suddenly hurting a lot and I don't know why. I massaged it and hope that a good night's sleep is all it needs. If it still hurts in the morning there's no way I can do 30 miles tomorrow.


Because it was almost dark when I reached a campsite and I want to start early tomorrow, I decided to cowboy camp, finally. There are no bugs here or wind, so it seems like a good time to try it.

Some people do this every night but I like my tent. We'll see how it goes tonight.


Day 41:

Cowboy camping was fine. I barely noticed any difference, except I woke up earlier because brightening sky was brighter with no tent in the way. I got an early start so I thought I would get to the next town stop tonight if I could hammer out my biggest day yet, 33.5 miles. The new shoes were feeling great but there were two very long uphill sections and by 24 miles I was feeling very tired and the feet didn't want to do another 9 miles. Even a nice long downhill felt like too much for the feet.

One of the other hikers mentioned that he was going to stop at the river for a swim and camp there, then go into town in the morning. This sounded like an awesome plan so I changed my mind.


I was the dirtiest I've ever been in this section, though I'm not sure why.

The river was the most water I'd seen flowing since the hot springs about 3 weeks ago and felt incredibly good to soak in after 130 miles in the desert.

After getting all cleaned off in the river, I set up camp and enjoyed a leisurely evening chatting with the others and eating my supper in the last of the daylight. This was a great end to a very tiring day, despite not reaching my distance goal.


Day 42:

This morning I walked into Kennedy Meadows. 

今天早上終於到達Kennedy Meadows 了。
This is the biggest milestone yet as it marks the end of the desert section of the trail. It’s what everyone has in mind when they first start the trail: if I can just make it to Kennedy Meadows, everything else will be OK.

這是目前最重要的里程碑,走到這裡代表PCT沙漠段結束了,也是大家從第一天一直想到的目標,只要能走到Kennedy Meadows,之後就不會有事了。

The first stop here for everyone is the General Store:

第一站是這間老店 General Store:
There is a tradition here to applaud every hiker that walks up to the General Store from the trail, and I was indeed applauded this morning. The applause is for making it through 6 weeks of challenges and not giving up, and it is nice to hear upon walking in from fellow hikers who have just reached the same milestone.


The store has many services for hikers including massive hiker boxes with just about everything imaginable in them and a huge pile of abandoned but still maybe roadworthy shoes.

這間店有提供很多登山客需要的東西和服務,hiker box塞滿了各式各樣的東西,也有一堆丟棄但或許還能穿的鞋子。
I saw many familiar faces here, including the Taiwanese woman I'd met, Aurora. We went to the other restaurant in town and had pizza.

It had been 5 days with no phone service so we were also desperate to use the WiFi there as this settlement still had no cell reception. Back at the general store, I checked my receipts from Taiwan to see if I'd won anything in the receipt lottery. I only won about 8 dollars on one receipt, not worth trying to claim from over here. However, Metronome from Taiwan had arrived at the store by them so I gave it to him as he is going to be in Taiwan again soon before it expires. 

五天沒有手機訊號,這個小鎮也沒有,所以我們也在這裡連上WiFi狂上網。回到General Store後我拿出台灣3月-4月的發票來對,我離開台灣的時侯還沒抽中獎號碼所以只好等到6月再對。我中獎了!不過只有兩百塊所以我拿給Metronome,他下個月要回台灣所以就讓他拿去領將吧!反正我十一月回台灣的時侯已經來不及領。
The most important thing I did at Kennedy Meadows was collect the packages I sent to myself and prepare my bear canister. I had to pack 6 days of food in here and of course it didn't all fit. With the potatoes I had mailed and the leftover from last week, I just had way too much!

在Kennedy Meadows最重要的任務是領包裹並準備熊罐的食物。熊罐裡要塞六天份的食物,可是塞滿後還剩很多,上禮拜沒吃完的東西加上我寄給自己的馬鈴薯都太多了。
In the evening, the General Store put on an excellent steak dinner, and there was a bonfire that night that got pretty loud and rowdy thanks to moonshine one of the hikers shared with everyone.

那天General Store的附設餐廳有提供牛排晚餐,我是訂單上的第一位!晚上在店旁邊有營火,有人還帶了他自己釀的烈酒分給大家所以到半夜我們都很吵。

Day 43:

The following day was a zero day. I went to the nearby Grumpy’s Resort and had another huge pancake breakfast, that is to say a breakfast with huge pancakes. 

I also mailed ahead some food and gear that I didn’t want to carry (almost 3 pounds’ worth!), and got laundry done. I would have to carry the bear canister starting here, so it was important to get rid of extra weight where I could. I had to say goodbye to my umbrella, faithful companion and shade-giver through most of the desert.


Day 44:

I was planning to leave in the morning today, but my phone started acting up. It was getting really hot and wouldn’t charge very well. After three hours of charging, it had only gone up by 10%. I was going to be in the mountains for 16 days, so I really needed that phone to be fully charged. Eventually, it was 4 p.m. so I just gave up, hoping I could find some way to charge it later on the trail. I headed out through the last desert-like section of trail, where the flowers were blooming.


Day 45:

This morning the landscape changed dramatically. I encountered my first alpine meadow, with rocky snow-capped peaks in the background.

I passed by the Kern River again, a great place to get water and relax on the sand for a few minutes. It was also full of swallows here nesting under the bridge, and if you look closely, a bird of prey diving near the bridge trying to catch one of them.

As I kept ascending, the landscape changed into a pure pine forest, with nothing but sand on the forest floor. It was odd to suddenly see only one species of plant growing all around.

The campsite I stayed at that night was near a very small water source. This was the hardest one I’ve had to collect from yet, but at least the water was clear. Someone else in the campsite had a piece of plastic bottle he was letting everyone use that made scooping up the water easier.

To my surprise, I saw a familiar face in camp tonight. Scout was here! Scout was the trail angel whose house I stayed at before starting the trail in San Diego. He was doing a small section of the PCT this year now that his hosting was finished. Frodo, his wife, was still recovering from a leg problem and couldn’t make it out.

今天也很意外地在營地看到一個熟悉的人,竟然是Scout!我在聖地牙哥住的trail angel家就是Scout的家。他今年要走PCT的一小段,老婆因為腳受傷還沒好所以不能跟。

Day 46:

Although I was finally out of the desert, it still wasn’t far away. At sunrise this morning near camp, there was a great view of the desert plains below, and I got a sense of how high I had climbed.

The path climbed higher and higher throughout the day and finally arrived at the first of many, many, many alpine lakes to come: Chicken Spring Lake. This is the first swimmable lake on the PCT and signifies the true beginning of the high Sierras. It was a very popular place to camp that night.


Goodbye, desert!



  1. Was the shine as potent as Nat's? Addi is in awe of the pancake again and quite jealous.

    1. Nat's was so potent I can't remember how potent it was! Does that help answer the question? You're gonna have to buy a commercial griddle now so you can make giant pancakes at home for her.
