常見問題 Frequently Asked Questions


Before leaving Taiwan, I asked my students to write down any questions they might still have about my upcoming journey in the States. Some of the questions below are ones I have been asked by others and so chose to include here, while some of them are the questions my students wrote for me.


What is the PCT?


The PCT is a trail for hiking and horseback riding that extends from the California/Mexico border to the Washington/B.C. border, and then into Canada for a few kilometres. It passes through distinct environments, including desert, alpine and rainforest, and through several mountain ranges, including the San Jacinto, the San Gabriels, the Sierra Nevada and the Cascades. It is maintained by a large number of volunteers.


Why do you want to go?


Great question! This might be a very long answer, so I plan to write a separate page discussing this soon.


Who are you going with?


I am going there alone, but there will be lots of other people on the trail so I will not be walking alone the whole time.


What will you take with you?


So many things! I will write another page about this later.


How many mountains will you climb?


I have no idea. The trail goes through mountainous areas but doesn't go over every single peak it passes. I might not know the answer until after I've finished walking it.

其中的一座山是不是一半在墨西哥一半在美國? -Ian

Is one of the mountains half in the US half in Mexico?


The start of the trail at the border is not on any obvious mountain.

So when you walk across the border of America and Mexico, are there police? -Ian


Police could show up anywhere along the border but there are none stationed by the PCT permanently. Actually, the trail starts right at the border so I will not be in Mexico at all. When I get to the Canadian border, however, I will be just walking across and there are no police there. To do this, though, you need to apply for a special permit from Canadian customs ahead of time.



What's the average elevation?


Approximately 6000 feet. Low point: 77 feet. High point: 13,128 feet.


How long is the trail?


Over 4,200 km long.


How many days does it take to fly there (from Taiwan)?

Taoyuan to Hong Kong to L.A. to San Diego will take about 22 hours.



About how much will you spend on this trip?

The budget I have is USD5000. However, before the trip I bought quite a lot of new gear for the PCT and had to buy a plane ticket to the US, so the total cost for this trip is probably somewhere around 7000. That's quite a lot, but when you realize that it's for 5 whole months, it's not actually that bad.



How much money will you bring?

I won't have much cash on me most of the time, probably USD 200 or less. My savings are all in Taiwan so I will just pay for things by credit card and hit up an ATM occasionally if I need more actual cash.



How much money will you have left after the trip? -A little Taiwanese rascal


Enough to buy a plane ticket back to Taiwan. Then I'm borrowing from you!


How many days will you be in the mountains?


It should take around 5 months to complete, or 150 days. I hope to finish by the end of September.


How many men and women will be on the trip?


It's about a 60/40 split between males and females.


Where will you sleep in the mountains?

在山上會睡帳篷,有時候也可能會不搭帳篷直接鋪墊子睡地上,這叫做cowboy camping牛仔式露營或露宿。

I have a tent to sleep in every night. However, many people on the PCT opt to just sleep under the stars if the weather is nice (cowboy camping) and I might try this.


What will you eat?


I'm not sure about this yet, and it will probably be different from week to week depending on what local stores have in stock and on what I feel like, or don't feel like, eating at the time. In any case, I will need to find calorie-dense food without much water weight, like chocolate, noodles, bread, salami, peanut butter, dried potato flakes, pasta, etc. I will try finding dried veggies and fruit as well to make sure I get enough vitamins and minerals in my diet. Of course, when I get to a town to resupply I will definitely take any chance I can to have a feast at a restaurant!


When you go to the US, will you eat instant noodles?


I probably will. They're dry and thus very light, have a lot of calories, and are quick to cook up. They're ideal for hiking trips.


Will you take all your food with you for the whole trail?


On average I will eat 2 pounds of food per day. Since the trail should take me about 5 months, that would be 300 pounds on my back if I carried it all at once… pretty absurd. Instead, I'll be going off the trail once or twice a week to nearby settlements to buy more food, and will almost never have to carry more than a week’s worth at any one time.


Will you shower?


Yes, but definitely not every day. Whenever I leave the trail to go into town, there might be a chance for a shower at a campground or hotel, so probably only once or twice a week.


Will you get sick?


This is possible. The reason many people can't finish the trail is because they get sick or injured. I have to be very careful about treating all water before drinking. I have a SteriPen UV wand for this, and some tablets as a backup. Sometimes the water sources may be the same ones vows are drinking from!


Will you die?


Yes, maybe when I'm around 85 or 90. Hopefully I've finished the trail by then.


Are there any animals that can hurt you on trail?


Black bears, venomous snakes, ticks. As with most wild animals, if you leave them alone, they will usually leave you alone. If I see a bear I'll try to get a picture and post it!


Can you come teach again when you come back (to Taiwan)?


I hope I can fill in for other teachers sometimes and see my old students again.



Will you see Trump? Will you see Obama?


Haha! The chances of this are almost zero. I don't think they hike much and they don't live in the West.


Will you fight King Kong?


Nope, he’d be too scared of my incredible strength and run away.




If you see a girl you like during the trip, will you two be boyfriend and girlfriend?
Will you get a girlfriend during the trip?
Will you meet a lot of pretty girls while you're away hiking for that long? (or, if you're gay, handsome guys?)
Will you make any "girl friends" along the way?


Wow, why so many questions about this?! Well, everyone on the trail is sweating all day and not showering… I don't know if anyone can be “pretty” or “handsome” after that! I will certainly make both some “boy friends” and “girl friends” on the trail, but that's about all I know now.





Do you have a wife?
Do you have a girlfriend in Canada?
Do you have a girlfriend?
Are you single?


Wait a minute, this has nothing to do with the PCT…


Will you go to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland?


No, it's far out of the way.

Can you 用中文回答這個問題嗎?-Richard

No, 我不 can.

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