Sunday, May 27, 2018

D24-D26 A peak, a campfire, and a horse corral 登頂、營火、入住畜欄

Days 24 to 26:

Last night was the worst night I've had on trail so far. The wind was blowing strong and the stakes on my tent wouldn't stay in the soft ground, so the tent kept folding in on itself. I restaked it several times and put a heavy rock on it, but the wind still managed to pull the line out. I also kept getting dust blowing in from under the sides, so everything in the tent was coated in a layer of dust and I kept sneezing. If every night was like this, I would probably have to quit.


Trash Bath and I got up to the peak of Mount Baden-Powell 30 minutes before sunrise and waited in the frigid wind behind a tree. After the worst sleep on trail, I was now the coldest I'd ever been on trail. I couldn't wait for the sun to come up and start warming me up. Eventually it did, and we had a fantastic view. The PCT doesn't actually go over any big peaks, so when there's a chance to get to a peak near the trail like this, it's always nice to do that.

我跟Trash Bath在日出三十分鐘前登頂Baden-Powell山,在樹旁邊躲又大又冰的風,剛才是最難睡的一晚,現在是我在步道上最冷的時刻,心情不是很好,很期待太陽出來後天氣可變溫暖一點。日出的景色很美,也是很難得的機會,PCT本身都走山腰不經過任何重要的山頂,所以只要有機會離開PCT走到一個山頂我都會想把握。

If it hadn't been cloudy below, we'd have been able to see the Pacific Ocean and L.A. from here. Instead, we got a nice sea of clouds:


Later I passed one of the nicest water sources yet: a clear spring flowing out of a pipe surrounded by flowers. 


I caught up with a few other guys at lunch time at a picnic area beside a road. Trail magic in the form of cookies and chips was waiting for us!

午餐時我趕上一群我認識的男生,在馬路旁邊有人放一點trail magic給我們,有餅乾和洋芋片!

We hiked together the rest of the day and stopped at a nice forested campsite pretty early. Christian and I gathered wood and started up our first campfire of the trip. It was a great end to a day that started out miserably.


The next day was pretty exciting for me as I finally got 10/10 on my jellybean flavour guessing game! It's not as easy as you might think.


In the morning, a group of Korean-American retirees passed us going the other way on the trail. They had brought cucumbers and peeled melons and were handing them out to hikers they passed. The cucumbers were gone when they got to me, but I did enjoy a nice melon half that they offered. Then, halfway through the day, we came upon more trail magic! Someone had left a cooler with ice-cold drinks inside. I grabbed a beer and sat down with Mike. Soon enough several others arrived, grabbed a drink, and sat down to eat. This became the lunch stop for the day.

早上有一群韓國移民出來在步道上散步,方向跟我們相反,他們帶了水果和小黃瓜發給經過的PCT登山客。他們遇到我的時侯小黃瓜已經發完,可但我拿到了水果,好好吃!中午的時侯我們遇到更多trail magic,有人放一箱冰的飲料給我們!我拿一瓶啤酒跟Mike坐在附近休息,更多人很快就到了,拿好飲料後決定在這裡吃午餐。

Once again we could see the flat Mojave desert below us. For now we were blessed with trees and cooler temperatures up high, but we all know that in another week or so we're going to have to cross that hot, dry wasteland.


I caught up with Daniel, Matt, Madi and Jazz Hands late in the day at another picnic area. I got there just in time to have pizza with them! Once again, there was a local shop that delivered out to this picnic area. At this rate, I'm going to have a lot of leftover food when I get to the next town.

晚上在野餐區趕上Daniel、Matt、Madi和Jazz Hands,我到的時侯他們剛好訂了披薩,跟上次一樣附近有一個小鎮,披薩店願意出來外送到這個野餐區。這麼常吃到外送的話我到下一個小鎮背包裡會剩很多食物。

The next day was a beautiful walk through some very flowery terrain.


I had managed to trade for some fresh cucumber with Mike the day before and added it to my tuna, mayo and cheese wrap for lunch. What a difference that bit of water and crunch made! It's almost like eating "real" food!


Tonight I camped at North Fork Ranger Station. They had ice cream, hot dogs, snacks and drinks for sale at a very reasonable $1.00 each to raise funds to replace the broken well pump. Everyone stopped here for at least a couple hours today and many stayed the night.


After having a can of pop and three hot dogs, I was still pretty hungry so I had chips, and apple, two ice cream bars and more pop. Once again, my food bag didn't get much lighter today!


The tenting area here was some old horse corrals. If I shut the door, I should be safe from bears, right?


Today I only walked 18 miles and could easily have gone further, but for reasons that will be discussed in the next post, I decided to stop here for the night.


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