Monday, May 21, 2018

D17-D20 Swimming, a snake, and McDonald's 游泳、一條蛇、一間麥當勞

Days 17-20:

Fresh off a zero, I was eager to get back on the trail. Some others from the hostel and I got a ride out to the trailhead in an old station wagon. I think Clément and I got the best seats in the car:


We had to leave the trail for a short while due to a fire closure. The alternate road took us through the burn area still, where nothing had grown back yet:


Pretty soon I had walked around Big Bear Lake and got a view of the town on the opposite side where I had taken a zero:


I stopped earlier this day (about 2 hours before sunset), and was able to take my time setting up camp and making supper during daylight hours. I really enjoyed getting all this done before it got dark and will have to try stopping earlier more often in the future. I was camped beside Jazz Hands tonight and we had time to just sit and chat until the sky was dark.

我今天比較早結束,在夕陽兩小時前就找到地方紥營,這樣我就可以在天黑前慢慢搭帳篷慢慢吃晚餐。我發現這樣的作息真的比較享受,以後我要記得不要給自己時間或距離上的壓力,早一點停下來多享受大自然的平靜。今天Jazz Hands在同一個營地過夜,我們吃完飯還沒有天黑所以就在那裡坐著聊天等天黑。

Jazz Hands taught me an easy new meal to make. Last time I had the wrong flavour of ramen and tuna, but this time I got it right. Shrimp ramen, Thai style tuna and peanut butter... mix these three ingredients together and voilà: Trail Pad Thai!


The next day I walked by one of the best streams I've seen on the trail so far. This was a perfect spot to get some shade and collect some cool, clear water. It's one of the rare spots on the trail that doesn't remind you you're in the middle of a desert.


One of the common lizards on trail happened to catch a worm right beside me today and I snapped a quick picture of it:


Around noon, I came to a bridge over a creek. There were sandy beaches below and local people who had driven out for the today having a beach party. It was strange to see non-hikers and hear loud music right on the trail after so much solitude.


Originally I stopped to wait out some of the midday heat, along with about 20 others. After the others left, though, I couldn't tear myself away from this nice spot so I decided to stay and spend the rest of the day swimming and relaxing here. I only walked 10 miles today, but that's OK. I still have lots of time to get to Canada.


The next day ended up being only another 10 miles as well! In the afternoon, I arrived at Deep Creek Hot Springs. This place is very popular with local people, including some nudists (see photos). It's one of the nicest settings for a wild hot springs I've ever seen, tucked in among rocks and trees beside a cool river.


It was a Sunday, so when I arrived the place was very busy but by evening almost everyone had left. Before going to bed at night, I had a nice long soak in my favourite pool, under the moonlight.


The next day I left this mountain range and came to a strange dam. It appears to be doing nothing now, and it's hard to picture how it ever held back a large amount of water here.


On the other side of the dam, I passed through yet another burn area. Evidence for fires is easily visible even 10 years later, so every single day, and maybe every single hour, there is some burn damage near the trail visible.


The final destination today was a picnic area near Silverwood Lake. This lake was created by damming part of a river and gives trail walkers great views of the big blue expanse of the lake as we walk around it. So much water on the ground is a bit of a shock to see in the middle of the desert.


When I arrived at the picnic area, I was delighted to find quite a few people I knew already there, and a trail angel who had brought out cold and hot drinks, as well as fresh fruit in a cooler.

我到野餐的時候很開心,很多我認識的人早就到了,還有一位trail angel帶了冷熱飲跟水果。

On top of that, there was apparently a town nearby that had a pizza restaurant that would deliver to this picnic area. I arrived just in time to put in an order with everyone else and pretty soon we were enjoying a feast here!


But it gets better... the trail angel told me there was a path down to the lake from here. I went down and found it to be sheltered from the cold wind, so I was able to jump in and have a great swim! There's nothing better than washing off all the sweat and dust from the trail in the water and drying off in the warm sun. What a fantastic end to the day!

已經很滿足了但還有一件事讓今天更完美,trail angel跟我說從這裡有個小徑可以通到湖邊,而我下去看的時侯發現剛好那裡可以避開今天的冷風所以決定下去游泳。身上累積的汗、沙子、灰塵都沖掉後在熱太陽下曬乾是今天超級舒服的結尾。

The next morning I was in great spirits as today was the day we would get to.... the McDonald's.


After leaving Silverwood Lake, the trail goes up over the next mountain pass and down to the floor of the next valley, where an interstate highway runs. On this interstate, there is a rest area that has a hotel, a Del Taco, a Subway, and, closest to the PCT, a McDonald's. Nearly everyone looks forward to a stop here to sit in the air conditioning, fill their bottles with drinkable water, and load up on calories before continuing on. Even the vegans I know stopped here. Some people do the "McDonald's Challenge" and pack out enough McDonald's to get them through the next 30 miles to the next town. To motorists, it's just another McDonald's; to PCT hikers, this place has near legendary status.


Nearing the top of the mountains before descending to Interstate 15:


Watch out for rattlesnakes! I almost stepped onto this one. It appeared dead to me as insects were crawling on it and rocks thrown at it prompted no response at all. Every snake I had seen before this immediately shook its rattle and hurried off trail when it sensed me coming, but this one was silent. Finally I noticed it flick its tongue once and knew it was in fact alive. I ended up reaching out with my pole and flicking its head off to the side. After this it finally decided to leave the trail and I was able to walk on.


Yes, the McDonald's is even on the official PCT sign. I guess if you don't stop in, you can't really say you've finished the PCT!


After weeks spent mostly in the quiet of the mountains and only seeing people on foot, it's quite a shock to suddenly hear the roar of an interstate highway in the middle of the desert:


Not wanting to eat all of my 4000 calories at McDonald's, I hit up Del Taco first!


No, I didn't eat all that hot sauce. I grabbed extra packets to take on the trail with me and spice up my trail meals.


And then... McDonald's. Hikers had taken over half the seating area by this point.


More calories, mwahahaha!


One guy I know actually ate 4500 calories in one afternoon here! 


Free drinkable water comes out of the fountain drink dispenser here so everyone filled up their water bags and water bottles of course!


It was hard to leave this little oasis, but there was still a day and a half to go until the next town. 



  1. I like being able to track where you are on a map while reading about everything. It was hard to figure out which rest area you were referring to this day... I'm guessing Cajon Junction? The kids love hearing about where you are and what you have found. Not big fans of the snakes you've described though.

    1. Yes, Cajon Junction is the one. It's funny... we know about all these little towns near the trail that no one else in California has even heard of, but then all the major centers people tell us about we have no idea where they are. All we know really is the trail and whatever's within a few miles on either side.

  2. that's a damn big snake!too bad they don't have 7-11 every two kilometers:)

    1. Right!? I would love some of those orange yogurt cups every day.

  3. Another good read. Days 17 - 20 - What's your estimate to finish 120 days?

    1. 150 days is the estimate, which would be the end of September. The blog is way behind where I actually am now, of course.
