Friday, May 11, 2018

D7-D10 To the next town! 往下一個小鎮走

Day 7 第七天:

Today I was almost all alone on trail. During the whole morning I only passed three people, one of whom is an Australian woman called Nightwalker who is actually doing the PCT for a second time! My goal was to get to a place called "Mike's Place" in the early afternoon and wait out the heat there. Mike is some guy who has a house out in the mountains and offers hikers water from his tank and a place to hang out in the shade outside his house.

今天早上幾乎都自己一個人,只看到另外三個人,其中一個澳洲人叫做 Nightwalker (夜間行走者),她早就完成首次PCT,今年來走第二次。今天的目標是下午走到Mike的家,等到天氣涼一點再繼續走。Mike 是一位在山上有房子的人,他會讓登山客從儲水桶取水也讓我們來他家外面坐躲太陽。

Mike also has an oven outside and sometimes cooks food for hikers.


There are also cold drinks available and donations are accepted. Mike wasn't there today but some other hiker he knows was there and in charge of the kitchen area. He roped a few hikers into helping, including me.


We had pizza there, as well as a giant pan of banana bread with peaches and cream topping. I did not have to cook up any mashed potatoes or tuna for myself tonight! What a great surprise.


Lots of people showed up to wait out the heat for the afternoon and some decided to just stay for the night. I was planning to move on and do a few more miles but there was a nice group of people there and the food was good, so I just stayed. I planned to cowboy camp for the first time (no tent) just to save time the next morning. Instead, I found a nice reclining chair on the porch and just threw my sleeping bag on that. The nice thing about this trip is the flexibility. I'm not really on a strict timeline and can choose to keep walking or stop somewhere nice at any time of the day for as long as I want. Spontaneity is the name of the game.


Day 8 第八天:

Today's goal was to get to a trail angel named Mary's place, and possibly all the way to the next highway crossing and the Paradise Valley Cafe. It was a lot of miles for one day so I set my alarm early. I slept through it of course, so it was a late start. It's getting easier to just keep walking for several consecutive hours so I was able to push through to Mary's without much trouble, but it was getting HOT! I believe this is the hottest day we've had on trail so far. The terrain is still mountainous, and the San Jacinto Range is getting closer and closer on the horizon.

今天的目標是走到Mary的家,如果來得及也希望可以到下一個與步道交叉的公路再走到一個叫做Paradise Valley Cafe的餐廳。今天依舊比較晚出發,但現在不休息連續走二十幾公里越來越容易。我成功在下午兩點前到達Mary那裡,但天氣真的好熱,應該是這行程到目前為止最熱的一天。今天走的步道還在山上,遠方的San Jacinto山脈也越來越近。

I accidentally caught a picture of a hummingbird that flew in front of San Jacinto Peak today, too:

今天拍San Jacinto山的時侯意外拍到蜂鳥:

I also got a nice picture of one of the common lizards we see on trail. I probably see 30 or 40 of these every day.


And I got a picture of a less common one called a horny-toad:


Before arriving at Mary's, I finally, FINALLY, found my first piece of garbage on the trail, around Mile 137. Consider that for a moment. Dozens of people on trail every day and it took 137 miles before I found a single piece of garbage on the ground!


Mary has an incredible setup near her house for hikers:


The shade here was a real lifesaver, and she even had ice water and Crystal Light in jugs for us. These trail angels are unbelievable people!

這裡最重要的是上面那塊布,讓我們能夠躲太陽,Mary也準備了冰水和飲料給我們喝。這些trail angel願意為我們做的一切真是讓人感激不盡。

I met a guy named Bill here who is pretty amazing. He's doing this hike to commemorate his son who passed away, and he's 70 years old and has no trouble keeping up with anyone else on trail. Much respect for this guy.


I made it the last few miles to the Paradise Valley Cafe, a restaurant renowned for being friendly to hikers and having excellent burgers, and it did live up to its reputation.


They filled up our water bottles in the kitchen, let us charge our devices with their outlets, and didn't mind if we camped right beside the restaurant. This was great, as it meant we could just relax and enjoy our meal till closing time and not have to worry about getting back to the trail in the dark and trying to find somewhere to pitch our tents.


Day 9 第九天:

Today was a long, hard day. From the cafe I headed up the ridge into the San Jacinto Mountains. I finally got to see down into the next valley to the north, where Palm Springs is:

今天比較辛苦,從餐廳出發後一直走稜線上去。今天終於看到San Jacinto 山脈後面的平地,包含我比較熟悉的Palm Springs:

I was on the ridge most of the day so the views on both sides were great, but it was pretty windy:


Much of the mountain here was burned and the trail has only recently been reopened, but even the burned portion of the trail can be beautiful, in a sort of otherworldly way:


There is still a 10-mile stretch of trail on the ridge that is closed. Once I reached the trail closure point, it was time to turn left off the ridge and go all the way down to the valley floor again.


The day ended up with a nice road walk for a couple miles down at the bottom.


By going all the way up and back down in one day, I was able to make it to a real campground with water, bathrooms and other hikers, which is always a treat. I even had running water with which to wash off my dirty feet. The desert dust goes right through socks and shoes and makes your feet shockingly dirty:


Day 10 第十天:

Today I just had a few miles left to go to get to the town of Idyllwild, where I would take a bit of a break, do some laundry, and buy more groceries. This is sort of like a "zero" day, but because I still walked a few miles of trail today, it's just a near-zero day, or "nearo".

今天只剩下幾公里就會到下一個小鎮Idyllwild,打算在那休息,洗衣服,補給。這樣很像上次提到的zero,但因為我今天走過幾公里,進度非零,所以可以說是進度接近零的一天,near zero, 通常會縮成nearo。

Idyllwild is a beautiful mountain town. There are cabins in the woods nearby:


The town centre is quiet and clean:


The campground is very cheap for PCT hikers, has hot showers, and is right in town. They had 2 hiker boxes with tons of stuff inside:

露營區會幫走PCT的人打折,淋浴室有熱水,地點也很方便。露營區也有兩個大型的hiker box:

The only worrisome part was the bubonic plague warning. (Seriously?!)


And there are several good places to eat. I had lunch, supper and drinks with a few other hikers that I'd been walking or stopping with over the last couple days:


Town life is great! Too bad it's not like this every day on trail!



  1. Good read, all seems to be going according to plan.

  2. Is Idyllwild pronounced the same as the street in Saskatoon? Also, ewwww those dirty feet
