Thursday, May 24, 2018

D20-D23 A zero and a hero 真正的天使照顧我

Days 20-23:

With stomachs full and hearts content from McDonald's,  people reluctantly left to get a few more miles in.


My tent in a dry creek bed, along with a few others, after our glorious day at McDonald's.


To my surprise, I awoke the next morning to cold and fog!


It was a miserable start, but soon enough the trail ascended out of the clouds and I was back in the land of blue skies.


By lunch time, it was full on desert heat again and the umbrellas were out.


Looking back from the top of this mountain range, we could see the previous mountain range back on the horizon.


As I descended from the current mountain range, I passed through a ski area, empty for the summer season.


At the bottom, I came to another highway. Hikers usually hitchhike to the nearby town of Wrightwood from here to buy more food and possibly take a day off. As luck would have it, the trail angel Solo Not Solo had just stopped in the parking lot on her way back from doing trail magic a few miles farther up the trail. She not only offered me a ride into Wrightwood, but also gave me a beer (on ice!) and some strawberries. Incredible!

我一直下山直到遇到山下的馬路,通常登山客會從這裡搭便車到附近的一個小鎮去不給或休息一天。我到的時侯剛好有一位trail angel在那裡準備回去,她不只說可以載我到小鎮,還給我一瓶冰冰的啤酒和幾顆新鮮的草莓,太感謝她了!

Everyone in town is familiar with the PCT and the businesses are friendly toward hikers. The grocery store even had a special section set up with all the common food items hikers buy:


There are countless trail angels in this town and many of them have volunteered to host hikers in their own homes. Instead of finding somewhere to camp this time, I decided to try contacting one of these trail angels about staying the night. I ended up staying at Patti and Bob's, and what a fantastic experience this was! Bob was away for a few days, but Patti was still willing to host on her own. She picked me up from town, fed me a delicious Mexican meal in their beautiful house in the mountains, gave me a real bed to sleep on, and did all of my laundry while I wore some extra clothes she keeps around for hikers. I needed something from the pharmacy and the nearest one was in the next town 10 miles away and she even volunteered to drive me over there! Patti and Bob are extremely generous people and have been doing this for hikers for many years already. I wish there was some way I could repay their kindness. This was one of the coolest experiences I've had on trail so far.

這個小鎮的Trail angel特別多,甚至有的人願意讓登山客來他們家吃飯過夜。小鎮裡面有一個地方共我們露營,但我選擇聯絡trail angel,體驗不同的住宿模式。我住Patti和Bob的家,而這是很珍貴的回憶。Patti開車來載我和另外一個登山客到她家,煮了晚餐給我們吃,讓我們睡客房的床,讓我們洗澡,也幫我們洗衣服,等衣服洗好的時侯還拿一些舊衣服給我們穿,好貼心!我需要在藥妝店買個東西但這個小鎮沒有這一類的店,不過Patti說她願意載我到15公里遠的城鎮,那裡有藥妝店。Patti和Bob這樣招待登山客已經有十年左右,很難想像這世界有這麼大方的人。在他們家過夜是PCT中最珍貴的經驗之一。

The next morning was full of eating and relaxing. The bakery made huge burritos that must have weighed about three pounds.


She told me it would definitely fill me up, but.... I was still hungry. So I got MORE food. That's the best thing about stopping in towns.


Mantas, Manor, Talia and Matt showed up soon and we lounged out on the bakery deck for quite a while.


Then we headed across the road to the diner and lounged around some more! This place had great milkshakes. Tasty tasty calories!


Before leaving town I headed to the gas station to buy a few snacks. They actually offer one free hot dog here to every PCT hiker. Again, it's hard to believe the generosity here.


Fully recharged, I headed out to the trail again with a guy named Trash Bath and prepared for a morning ascent to Mount Baden-Powell for sunrise.

休息飽後,我跟Trash Bath(垃圾泡澡)一起回到步道上,準備隔天早上要登頂看日出。


  1. What a great adventure. You'll find an opportunity to repay that angel, one day.
