Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Day 1 第一天

Today, we started walking to Canada.


This morning began with breakfast at 5:30 a.m.


As everyone sat around the breakfast table contemplating the huge undertaking that would begin today, the place was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. Will I be able to finish? Will I get sick? What will the first day be like? Did I pack enough food? Do I have enough water? How hot is the desert really going to be? Questions like these were being turned over in everyone's minds until finally somebody broke the silence and we all laughed. Then excitement took over and conversations started up. Soon enough we were all loaded into cars and had started the drive out to the trailhead. If I heard correctly, my driver's name was Proton (trail name again). He had done the trail just a few years prior and answered many of our questions during the drive out.


The weather on the first day was very....undesertlike. Low clouds and misty rain hung in the air and the temperature couldn't have been more than 15 degrees. On any other day I might be annoyed but this was Day 1 and nothing was going to spoil my mood!


We parked near the border and put on our packs. All along the Mexican border here there is a corrugated steel wall and a wide dirt road running parallel to it that the Border Patrol vehicles drive up and down. Note: This is not Trump's wall, but one that has existed for a long time already.


We could go up and touch the wall...


...and even see through it into Mexico.


Running along the north side of the border patrol road is a fence and the monument marking the start of the PCT is just beside it.


After group pictures...


...and individual pictures...

再獨照 was time to hit the trail!


My initial impression of the trail was that it was very well built, smooth, wide, and easy to walk on. There were several interesting new plants and I made a mental note to ask someone about these.


Soon after Mile 1...


...I arrived in the town of Campo. I called up my grandparents while I waited for the Post Office to open and then mailed my first package from the trail: a few things I wouldn't need at all and could send directly to my sister in Canada. Farther up the trail was a warning to Central/South Americans who had just snuck over the border of the dangers of the desert environment and telling them it's not worth risking your life to try sneaking in.


Most people made it all the way to Mile 20 the first day, Lake Morena, where there is a full-service campground. This was a very social evening with around 20 hikers all camping together. I had a pizza in the restaurant there, and was still hungry so I went back and made my own trail meal: mashed potatoes with canned veggies, tuna and cheese.

大部分的人今天走到20英里處的露營區Lake Morena,約莫20個人都在同一個地方搭帳篷、吃晚餐、聊天,熱鬧非凡。我選擇跟另外幾位去附近的餐廳吃,在那裏吃完一個pizza後肚子還有點餓,所以回到營地後又煮了一餐:薯泥配罐裝蔬菜、鮪魚,還有起司。

TarpTent appears to be a very popular brand. Four of them, including mine, were set up beside each other. They should make promotional material with this!


Some people opt for very lightweight gear and choose to use a tarp instead of a tent. Then there are people who feel a regular tarp is still too much. The ultralight king Thi has this ridiculous setup for sleeping:


And that little backpack you see in the picture is all he is carrying for the whole trail!


The weather today wasn't great...


...but the forecast is for clear skies starting tomorrow.  I can't wait to wake up and see the blue sky for Day 2! Good night!


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