Thursday, May 17, 2018

D11-D16 已完成10% finished

Days 11-16 第十一至第十六天:

This morning I had another late start as I went for breakfast at a local shop with Mantas. I thought it was worth it to pack in some more calories and, besides, it was a foggy day in town so there was no need to get in a bunch of miles before the sun got really hot.


My goal with this trip is to walk a continuous footpath from Mexico to Canada. Many people opted to get a ride halfway up the mountain to a trailhead a few miles beyond where the PCT fire closure finishes, but this would be cheating for my goal, so I went a different way. I decided to hitchhike back to a spot along the road I had walked in on yesterday, then take the trail uphill from there on foot. In less than a minute, the first truck that passed stopped to give me a ride. A local guy named Jeremy took me all the way up to the trailhead I had walked by yesterday.


Pretty soon, I had walked out of the cloud layer and had a nice blue sky above and a sea of clouds below.


There were quite a few day hikers out today doing this trail, as it goes to a prominent peak, Tahquitz Peak, that has an old fire watch tower on it. Even with my heavy pack, I still passed every single day hiker I saw going up hill. I guess 11 days in, my body is really getting used to the extra weight. Tahquitz Peak was a great spot to rest:


After the peak I joined the PCT again for a time, then left it again to head toward San Jacinto Peak. Up high on the mountain it was all coniferous forest:

過了這個山頂後我接到PCT,不久後又離開了PCT走San Jacinto山登頂路線。海拔這麼高跟臺灣一樣是針葉樹林:

San Jacinto Peak is about the same height as many of the 100 Peaks of Taiwan, but I have to say the view from this peak is possibly the best I've ever seen. There were distant ranges visible, a sea of clouds, and the desert cities below with the nearby wind energy farms.

San Jacinto 的高度跟臺灣的很多百岳差不多高,但我覺得這裡的景色更好看一點,遠方的山脈、雲海、沙漠中的城市和風力發電廠都同時看得到。

After an hour on the peak, I headed partway down the mountain. Instead of cooking at camp tonight, I decided to just stop at a nice viewpoint and cook my supper while watching the sunset.


The next morning, the cloud layer on the LA side was still there, trying to push into the desert but failing.


There was a warning about a beehive on the trail today. When I got close, even though it was a really hot day, I decided to cover up as much as possible. I put on my down jacket to cover up the red colour of my shirt, put on my gloves, and even wore my insect headnet. A couple of bees flew in front of my face but then quickly left me alone. It turned out to be a case of getting really really hot for nothing!


At the foot of the mountain, there was finally some water, at a fountain that taps a county water pipeline just for PCT hikers.


Some people opted to stay there for the night, but I opted to head down to Interstate 10 in the valley, where, if I was lucky, I would be able to hitch a ride to Taco Bell 5 miles away.


Before I even got to the highway, I came across trail angel Vera. She had been there for a few hours over the weekend handing out ice cold beer and other drinks, cookies, snacks and fruit. I got some Oreos from her and some delicious watermelon. There's nothing like fresh fruit after a long hot day of hiking!

還沒到高速公路前就遇到一位叫Vera的trail angel,她已經在那裡好幾個小時等登山客經過,她帶了冰啤酒、飲料、餅乾、水果等等,要吃什麼或喝什麼就拿什麼。我跟她拿了Oreo餅乾跟幾片西瓜,在大太陽下走一整天後可以吃到新鮮的水果就是幸福!

Finally, I arrived at the Interstate Highway and railway underpass, where I would spend the night. There was some water cached there as well as some snacks and medical supplies from local trail angels.

我終於到了高速公路和鐵路的橋,打算在下面過夜。當地的trail angels藏了飲用水、急救用品和食物。

As luck would have it, someone drove up in their truck just as I arrived actually offering a ride to the casino area where the Taco Bell is. Of course I jumped at the chance and in 20 minutes, I was enjoying a tasty Mexican-ish treat.


A taco and burrito wasn't really enough, so I also went to the In-N-Out Burger for more food.


Ken, who gave me a ride there, even gave me a ride back to the underpass. He is really interested in talking to PCT hikers because he's planning to do the trail himself next year.


The following morning I headed into the next mountain range. I passed the wind farm office, a very strange-looking gate not attached to a fence, and then on the other side it was pure wild country: not a road or building in sight again.


This is the Whitewater River valley. A few miles in, there was an old trout farm that has been turned into a conservation area and trailhead. This was an absolutely perfect place to get out of the midday heat for a few hours. There was a ton of shade in the picnic area, and a wading pool with river water running through. So refreshing!


After that, it was up and over another ridge into the next watershed, Mission Creek. The view from up top between these two valleys was great!


There was a great campsite right beside the river that a lot of people stopped at this night.


I tried out a new addition to the camp food menu: instant gravy for the mashed potatoes. Never has so much flavour emerged from one little pouch. 10/10!


The next day was almost all wilderness again. San Gorgonio Mountain still had snow on it!

隔天又是除了步道無人痕跡的景色。San Gorgonio山上還有積雪。

I call these Dalmatian trees. They were burnt in a fire and subsequently bleached by the sun, giving a very particular appearance:


We spent the night tenting outside an old cabin as the cabin itself is now in pretty rough shape.


The following day was the day I planned to get to the next town, Big Bear Lake. After 14 days of walking, a certain amount of boredom had set in. I came up with a game I could play by myself: the jelly bean guessing game.


It's pretty easy to play: take a jelly bean out of the bag and, without looking at it, bite off half of it. Take a guess as to what colour it is, then look at the other half to see if you're right. Ten jelly beans per round. This is surprisingly hard to do, and I think I only got 3/10 today.


Nearing town, we came across a dumpster full of trail magic, and a couch! This was put there by a local hostel to advertise for themselves and provide us with information about the town. 

快到通往城鎮的公路時在步道旁看到一個大垃圾筒,不過裡面不是垃圾是trail magic,旁邊還有一個沙發。這些設備是城鎮的*放的當作廣告,也提供很多關於城鎮的資訊。

In the Big Bear area, there are a few Joshua trees growing. This unique species looks like a cross between a cactus and a tree.


Another important milestone was knocked off on this day: I've finished walking 10% of the PCT. Only 90% left to go...


A bunch of us arrived in town in the late afternoon. Lots of the businesses in Big Bear Lake have carvings of bears out front in various poses and are often named after bears.

下午我們一群人一起到Big Bear(巨熊)這個城鎮,這裡很多店的名子跟熊有關,在門口也常看到熊的木雕。

Three of us decided to split a hotel room at the Honey Bear Lodge:


And of course, the most important thing to do in town is... EAT! A local restaurant had a special on Wednesdays only, which happened to be the day we arrived: $1 fish tacos. I ordered eight and one of the other guys couldn't finish his last one so I ended up having nine. YUM!


I decided to take a full zero in Big Bear so I had the whole day off the next day. In the morning I had a ridiculously large breakfast: the "Polar Bear". Two eggs, half a plate of hashbrowns, bacon, and two giant pancakes. The picture shows you one of the giant pancakes, but there's another one underneath it. Yes, I finished it all!


Check out the size of the knife and fork for comparison:


I got my next few days of food at the grocery store:


The hostel I stayed at the second night had laundry machines and loaner clothes for us to wear while doing laundry. Ironically, the loaner clothes I found are actually nicer than most of my actual clothes. Levi's size 29 and they fit perfectly!


I got a nice little surprise when I stepped on the scale at the hostel, too. My body weight hasn't really changed and I'm already 16 days in. This is perhaps my biggest accomplishment so far! Normally I lose about 2 kg on a weeklong hiking trip. It looks like my calorie loading is working.


Tomorrow, it's time to head back out onto the trail.



  1. The kids are both blown away at the size of the pancakes. They may even be a bit jealous. Congrats on 10% down!

    1. One of those should feed both of them for a day!

  2. The tacos and breakfast sound like a jackpot find! How hot was it the day you put on your down jacket and those gloves for the bees? I can't even imagine.

  3. Tyler, my family and I feel so blessed to have come across you in mammoth. We learned so much from you. I didn’t realize we could have offered you a ride until I read your blog. Thank you for sharing your journey with us. Lexi said her prayer before bed tonight and asked god to keep you safe. Can’t wait to read more. It was so great meeting you.

    1. I just noticed this comment now, sorry. I really enjoyed meeting you guys there, too. Talking with you made the boring laundry wait time just fly by. I'm behind on my posting but the Mammoth one should be up within a couple weeks.

  4. The jelly bean game sounds oddly familiar.....

    1. Hehe yes, except this time I get to eat them all!!

  5. 第一個*中文應該是防蜂罩
