Monday, May 7, 2018

D6: The "Zero"

Day 6 第六天: The "Zero" 進度零公里

After five hard days in the desert, my body needed a rest and I had some other business to take care of. It was time for a "zero", a day in which you don't hit the trail at all. Warner Springs was the perfect place for my first zero.

在沙漠經過很辛苦的五天後,身體需要休息,而且有一些事情在步道上不太方便處理,幸好我今天在Warner Springs,這是個適合逗留一天的地方。今天算是我第一個zero,也就是第一次一整天待在同一個地方,在步道上完全沒有進度的一天。

Warner Springs is a small community that is very friendly toward PCT hikers who pass through their town. The Community Resource Center is transformed into a haven for hikers during April and May every year. This place has EVERYTHING you need or want as you pass through on the PCT: showers, laundry, charging stations for electronics, computers, coffee, store for resupplying, tenting area, lounge, hiker boxes, lots of shade, etc.

Warner Springs 這個小鎮對經過的PCT登山客很好客。社區資源中心每年四月到五月提供登山客所有需要的東西和服務:淋浴間、洗衣區、讓我們電子產品充電的插座、可借用的筆電、咖啡、小食品店、營地、休息室、hiker box、大面積的樹陰等等,簡直說是剛從沙漠走進來的登山客的小天堂。

Long-distance hikers don't carry any extra weight in their packs if they don't really need to. That means most of us don't have an extra set of clean clothes just for wearing when we're off trail; we don't carry soap for laundry or even for showering because we never have the chance to do either on trail; and we don't carry a big towel for showering, either. The Resource Center here had all of this covered: donated loaner clothes we could wear while doing all our laundry, laundry detergent for sale for $1.00, shampoo and soap provided in the showers, and free use of towels. These people are amazing!

The tenting area is fully shaded under a beautiful tree:

營地在美麗的大樹下, 很涼快:

Showering is done by filling a bucket with warm water and then using the scoop in one of the two shower stalls to pour it over yourself. Soap and shampoo were provided by the Center.


Laundry is also done in the buckets, by hand, and there are ample clotheslines throughout the compound for drying.


Does bucket laundry work as well as a machine? Definitely; maybe even better! Check out the before and after shots of my shirt sleeve:


I only washed one set of clothing and two pairs of socks and look at how dirty the water was!


A 20-minute walk away down a nice path beside the golf course are the restaurant, post office and gas station.


In the morning, if he has time, the local sheriff even came to give rides to people back and forth between the hiker station and the post office. What hospitality!


I had sent my first resupply box by mail from San Diego to the Post Office here and went to pick it up.


Then I took care of laundry, charged my devices, caught up on journaling the trip, and generally just took it easy for the day. Most others did the same in the very comfortable accommodations we had here.


One more important thing I did was look into changing shoes. There is a company with a trailer set up at the Resource Center and all their gear is tailored to what PCT hikers need. I went in and explained the problem with my ankles I was having and they soon had me fitted into a different pair of shoes (Altra Timps) that felt so much better than my old ones (Altra Lone Peaks).

今天也去看鞋子和鞋墊找方法解決這禮拜腳踝的問題。有一家登山用品公司的拖車*停在資源中心旁,而且老闆自己走過PCT所他們賣的裝備就是我們會需要的。我跟他們討論這禮拜腳踝的問題後,可能快就找到比原本的Lone Peaks鞋好穿的Timps。

Several other people that same day bought new Timps or ditched their Lone Peaks. The hiker lounge had a big area for discarded shoes that other hikers were welcome to come and try out for themselves.
那天不只有我一個人買了雙Timps,也有不少人丟棄自己的Lone Peaks,休息室有大概30雙丟棄的鞋子放在地上給比較晚來且需要換鞋的登山客挑。

To finish off the perfect "zero", the high school across the road put on a cheeseburger dinner as a fundraiser. For $7.00 we got a burger with all the fixings, a drink, potato wedges, and a nice salad.


According to the scale here, my pack fully loaded with food and water is now only 36.5 lbs, much better than expected. I am now fully recharged, and mentally and physically ready to start Section B!



  1. Sounds good. I saw you carrying an umbrella, I bet that raised a few eyebrows.

    1. I'm actually not the only one, though I probably use it more than anyone. We have special silvered umbrellas made for hiking that reflect sunlight and make it even cooler than a regular umbrella would.
