Friday, July 27, 2018

D71-D81: A second friend joins me 第二個朋友來跟我走

Days 71 to 81:

I had a fantastic time in Canada seeing family and friends while there for my cousin’s wedding.

My old high school friend Sana came to Vancouver to join me for the next week and a half on the trail. She hiked the Laugavegur and Fimmvörðuháls trails with me in Iceland a couple years ago and did very well, except for the blisters on every single toe. Hopefully this time isn’t as bad.
First we hit up the local Wal-Mart to buy our groceries, and organized it all outside the McDonald’s.
Then we caught the bus out to the trailhead. Our first day was only 5 miles to the campsite, but Sana got in the thru-hiker spirit right away by embracing the dirt.


At camp that night, Sana already wanted to get rid of some weight. She had read over half of her paperback book already, so… only one thing to do with that half!

The next day we had to start a very long ascent, 5200 feet (1600 m) over 17 miles (27 km). We followed a creek up for a while:

At one point we stopped to have a break by the creek.

While we went down for a swim, the butterflies came to our packs and started licking them!

We passed through a couple burn areas today, stark black against the new green growth and the blue sky:


I had planned to take two days for this difficult climb as I wasn’t sure Sana could go very fast uphill right from the start. She said she wanted to push on, though, and we actually made it all the way to the top and made camp before sunset! Impressive!


The mosquitoes were attacking Sana and she hadn’t brought bug spray, so this was this only solution available:

We had some nice views from the trail the next day as we were out of the trees most of the time.


Sana continued to embrace the filth and had no problem sitting or lying down anywhere for a break. She also had a ton of salt on her shirt from sweat, which reminded me of my first week on trail before my body had adapted.
That evening we camped by a perfect swimming hole. So far I’ve been in the water every day on trail since June 20th! There wasn’t a nice spot for both tents here so Sana set up her tent and I cowboy camped for just the second time of the trip.


This was a nice spot that I could just sink into. At night before I fell asleep I must have seen four or five shooting stars before my eyes finally closed. Looking at the stars is definitely one of the advantages of cowboy camping over being in a tent.


The following day was another beautiful day with a blue sky and a lot of shade to walk in. This section of trail has really impressed me so far. Northern California has a reputation for being hikers’ least favourite section of the PCT but I can’t understand why yet.


On this, our fourth day, we made a town stop at Etna. This is a great town for hikers, with cheap camping in the city park, welcoming people, good food, a grocery store, and two breweries. We ate a Paystreak, which offers some healthier options than the usual pub fare. Check out these “Sun Tacos” with kale, beets, celery, quinoa, orange and more!

今天是我跟Sana的第四天,我們離開步道去附近的小鎮Etna。這裡是登山客休息的好地方,我們可以在公園裡搭帳篷,鎮民很善良,還有超市、兩個啤酒廠還有幾間好吃的餐廳。晚上我們去Paystreak吃飯,他們除了傳統酒吧食物也提供比較營養的東西如這個Sun Tacos,裡面有羽衣甘藍、甜菜根、芹菜、藜麥、橘子等等營養成分。
The next day, after we’d taken care of laundry, showering and groceries, I discovered that the swimming pool was actually open in the afternoon. Not only was it open, but it was free! This community has people that sponsor swim days so that it’s free for everyone. Thanks, Darlene Sweeney! This was the perfect way to spend a hot afternoon resting from the trail.

隔天早上我們洗完澡、買好下一段的食物、洗好衣服,發現公立游泳池下午有開放,而且進去不用錢!當地的商店和居民會捐錢讓大家能夠免費去玩水,今天要謝謝Darlene Sweeney!今天的天氣這麼熱,沒有比游泳池更適合休息的地方。

We hitched a ride back to the trailhead that evening and decided to just make dinner and camp right there, then get an early start on the climb in the morning.


The next morning, we passed a beautiful lake just as the day was getting hot. It was the perfect spot to have a swim, air out the clothes, and lie down for a few minutes.


For some reason, my foot were getting extremely dirty on this section of trail, so the lake was a welcome chance to rinse them off.

Later we passed a huge burn area where all the trees had been uniformly bleached white.
Here is one of many deer we saw in this section. Unlike the deer in Saskatchewan and Taiwan, these ones really aren’t that scared of people and are comfortable grazing quite close by. The chipmunks are a little more timid, however.


It was getting to be a hot day and we had maybe been up in the mountains too long already, so this is what happened next:

It still hadn’t rained on me since Day 1 of my trip, but it looked like things might change soon. Huge thunderstorms were forming (storrrrm’s a-brewin’!!). In one direction the sky was dark; in another it was mostly blue; in another, you could see clouds hovering around the prominent Mt. Shasta.


Luckily, it all blew over and we were able to set up camp dry. This was a nice early finish and we were able to enjoy sitting in camp and having dinner in daylight. Sana enjoyed this leisure time a bit too much…

Smoke from nearby forest fires was blowing in, so the sunset was very orange that night.

The next day, we saw this guy carrying a garden hose (?!) but don’t ask me what it was for. Leave a comment if you know.

The weather was similar to the day before in that it got cloudier and cloudier as the day progressed.

It finally started raining on us, but nothing too serious.
We hid under a tree for a bit to stay dry as the rain wasn’t very heavy. We debated setting up camp or continuing up the trail. While waiting, it even started hailing a bit, but very lightly and not accompanied by heavy wind or rain. I’ve never seen anything like it before.

We decided to walk another hour since we were low down and relatively safe from lightning now. It was a good thing we did. The rain soon stopped, the clouds blew off, and a couple miles ahead was what ended up being Sana’s favourite campsite of her whole trip. It was high up on a cliff with a view of a lake below and tons of flat space for tents.


The next day there was no smoke in the morning and we had a nice walk down to a highway crossing. Sana’s feet were blistered already on day one, and by now they were red and numb. I don’t know how she could stand walking like this but she just kept pushing on.


That afternoon, we planned a stop at Porcupine Lake. Two hours turned into four hours as it was just so hard to leave the place. There was shade, soft ground, and a crystal clear warm lake to swim in with towering peaks surrounding it. This is easily my favourite swimming spot of the entire trail to date.


We had a nice evening walk down to the next road crossing, where we camped for the night.

I ran into Mike there, whom I hadn’t seen since the desert section. He was camping with his wife for the night there, and they even gave me and Sana a beer! I actually ran into quite a few people I knew during this section with Sana; people who were faster than me and had gotten so far ahead that they were now almost in Oregon. Only by jumping up 400 miles like this was I able to see them again.


The next day I ran into Mannie and Sun from Hong Kong, who started over a month before me. I know them because we took a snow hiking course together in Taiwan last winter, where we discovered we would all be on the PCT together this summer. They were so far ahead of me I thought I’d never catch up, but since I jumped up north with Sana, I was able to meet them on trail!

At lunch today, Sana and I found a great spot that was flat and well-shaded, totally comfortable in the heat of the day. It even had nice logs arranged as benches… or tables…

今天午餐時我們剛好走到一個很棒的營地,樹蔭多,地平,我們很開心能躲到中午的大太陽。這裡還有倒木,很適合當椅子... 也可以當桌子...

On our final day, we entered Castle Crags State Park, whose namesake was very obvious:

最後一天我們進入Castle Crags(城堡岩)州立公園,此名稱的來源很明顯:

Before 10 a.m. on our last day we were already at the trailhead! We made it!
We spent the rest of the day eating…

…then going to the local swimming pool, then getting kicked out of the pool after half an hour because there was too much smoke in the air (or the teenage lifeguards just wanted an excuse to stop working??), and making our way to the Greyhound station. We even had time to go shopping nearby at the outlet grocery store. I picked up this bad boy, nearly five pounds of animal crackers, and 9000 calories, for just 7 dollars.

Now the problem is… how do I carry this?? Oh well, that’s a problem for another day.


Sana and I got on the bus to Sacramento and eventually parted ways. She went back to Canada and I went on to Reno, so I could pick up the trail where I’d left off before the wedding, way back at Lake Tahoe.


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