Wednesday, August 1, 2018

D82-D86 A giant beer and a generous church 一大瓶啤酒、一個善心的教會

Days 82 to 86:

After an overnight bus ride to Reno, a city bus to the airport, a tourist bus from the airport to Lake Tahoe, and two hitches, I finally made it back to the trailhead where I left off before going to Canada. My last hitch was from a father and son, Stephan and Tim, on their way home after a camping trip. They originally drove past me, but then turned around to come pick me up. They just managed to squeeze me and my backpack into the backseat of their jeep with all their camping gear. I was already very thankful just for the ride up the mountain, but then Stephan even gave me a coke to send me off. This section was off to a great start!

This section of the PCT overlaps with the Tahoe Rim Trail for quite a while. The TRT takes one to two weeks and goes all the way around the huge alpine lake.

I made it to Aloha Lake the first evening, which was a perfect spot for a swim and to set up camp. The lake looked just as nice in the morning, and the trail passed by a few other nice little lakes on the way.


The first mountain pass of this section is called Dicks Pass. The user comments on the PCT app I’m using were… interesting, to say the least.


This is a fun but less important milestone passed today. I’ll be more excited to pass 2222.22. I’m still not halfway done the PCT yet.

The mountains around here are a lot different than in the high Sierras. It is still very scenic in a different way, but unfortunately there is getting to be more and more smoke now.

The trail in this section goes right by three different ski resorts. I realized today that the trail actually crosses a road down at the bottom of one of these resorts, and the bar and grill is open year round. If I could walk 28 miles today (45 km) and finish before 7 p.m., I might actually have a chance to have a proper meal. Once again I found myself rushing full speed ahead motivated by the promise of food. At 6:59 p.m. I walked up to Donner Ski Ranch.


This is a family-run business that has been operation for decades. It’s a small hill, but a friendly place that gets a ton of snow. If I’m ever in the area in the winter I wouldn’t mind trying it out. The highway that goes by the resort is Route 40, and the ski hill has a special deal for all PCT hikers that show a valid trail permit: the “40 on the 40”. This is a 40 oz beer (1183 mL) on Route 40, FREE for PCT hikers, no purchase necessary.

這裡是一個家庭經營的滑雪場,已經開幾十年了。雖然範圍比較小但員工人很好,冬天雪量多,我如果冬天剛好在這附近我很想來玩。他們有一個很特別的活動,只要你拿出當年的PCT許可證他們就會送你一大瓶啤酒,容量1183毫升,不用錢也不用點餐。滑雪場的聯絡道路是州道40號,啤酒的量剛好是40盎司,所以這個活動的英文叫做40 on the 40。
I guess this is a good marketing strategy, as I ended up spending more money on food at this place than anywhere else on the trail, ordering two full meals and eating with a couple other PCT hikers that walked in that evening. The beer was pretty good, too!


The next day, the trail passed by another beacon of civilization as it crossed Interstate Highway 80. People driving by probably have no idea this cross-country trail passes right by them, as the PCT passes underneath the road in something that looks like a nasty drainage culvert.

There just happens to be a rest stop where the PCT crosses, and there are washrooms and vending machines, so most hikers stop in here for a bit. I had my breakfast here and grabbed an ice cold popsicle from the vending machine. What a treat!


While I was sitting here eating, a group of Korean-American men came up and started talking with me. They knew about the trail and had even planned to hike a 500-mile section of it but hadn’t chosen a date yet. They were very interested in the logistics of being on trail for such a long time and I did my best to answer their questions. They even gave me a bottle of Gatorade as they left!


Back on trail, I passed one of the few huts on the PCT that are open to public use, the Peter Grubb Hut. This is used by cross-country skiers in the winter, when the snow can completely cover the first floor of the hut and the outhouse, hence the ladders up to second floor entrances. The inside was nice and cool, had a nice wooden floor for sleeping upstairs, and lots of benches and a table downstairs. It would have been a perfect spot to spend the night, but it was only 1 p.m. so I had to keep hiking.


The smoke from yesterday was gone and I was treated to clear blue skies again. Northern California is really turning out to be a lot nicer than I expected.


The next day I walked into my next town stop, Sierra City. Instead of taking the PCT all the way, I took an alternative route that I had read about in the app. It was about the same distance to town as the PCT, but it was supposed to pass by a really nice swimming spot in a creek. At midday on a hot August day, there’s nothing like jumping into some cool clear water. It turned out there was even a little waterfall emptying into a pool that was deep enough to dive into. Perfect!

這一段的終點是一個小鎮Sierra City,我選擇不要一直走PCT到這個小鎮,我反而走另一條路。我在手機的app看到有人推薦這條路,距離跟PCT差不多但是有一個很棒的戲水處,八月中午在大太陽下能跳進冰涼的溪流玩水真的很幸福。我發現戲水處有一個小瀑布,下面狗深讓我能直接跳進去,這裡是戲水的天堂。幸好這裡不是台灣,不然一定會有禁止戲水的警告牌。

Just a mile further down the road was the town of Sierra City. This town is very welcoming to PCT hikers. The church even lets us set up our tents in the yard for free. Right next door is a public washroom with shower. The general store holds packages for hikers and has some great food in the deli, including the Gutbuster, a massive hamburger with a one-pound patty.


This was a great place to rest up for half a day before carrying on. I’ve come a long way already but there is still a lot of trail left.


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