Thursday, August 9, 2018

D87-D94 I like big Buttes and I cannot lie 樂極生悲、悲極生樂

Days 87 to 94:

One thing I really learned on this next section of trail is that if things are going well for too long, you’d better get ready for something to go wrong; and if things are going really badly for a while, you shouldn’t worry because soon enough something great will happen. I mean, I guess I knew this before doing the trail, but I really had this hammered into me on the PCT, especially this week. 

我在台灣學到一個成語「樂極生悲」,最近在步道上的經驗證實了這個成語, 還有它相反。事情過的很順利的時候要有心理準備,很快就會有壞事發生;壞事一直發生的時候不用煩惱,很快就會有好事發生。其實我還沒開始走PCT的時候就知道人生有時候會這樣,不過這個禮拜樂極生悲和「悲極生樂」的真實性都很明顯,我不管有沒有悲極生樂這個說法,真的有這回事所以我就會這樣說!

While eating supper with Fashionplate Dan last night, he mentioned the trail going up to the top of Sierra Buttes North, a very steep group of peaks that I noticed while walking into town yesterday. He said at the top, there is a fire watch tower. Well, I like a good peak and the PCT almost never goes right over peaks, so I decided to follow Dan’s advice and head to the top.

I came directly into town yesterday on the alternate route, avoiding the highway walk from the trailhead. Dan also told me I could start hiking back to the PCT right from town on an alternate route, avoiding the highway walk again. The day was off to a great start! Unfortunately, there was no shade, and this road got very steep at the end, far steeper than the PCT would have been. So I might have saved some distance, but I didn’t save any effort. That was the first little hiccup. But then things got worse...


I eventually crossed the PCT and kept going toward the peak. Right about this time, a massive amount of smoke started blowing in from the south. From the look of things, I would have absolutely no view at the top and all this climbing would be for nothing. I almost gave up and turned around but decided I wasn’t in a huge rush today so if this time was wasted it wasn’t a big deal. As I approached the peak, I really couldn’t see much of anything. There was a good view immediately around the peak, but nothing in the distance. Still, it was a pretty impressive peak with a fire tower perched right up on top.

It would have been impossible to hike up to this peak without the amazing system of stairs in place. Walking up these stairs, hanging 50 feet in the air, is an experience in itself.


Near the top, there is a rock that people have carved their names into. Look carefully and you’ll see one guy who carved his name here twice... during the 1880s!

The view at the top wasn’t even good enough to take a picture of, but there was one good thing here: I had cell service! I sat down and consoled myself with some internetting for about half an hour. Then, another good thing happened. After about half an hour of staring at my cell phone, I finally looked up again. Wow! The smoke had already blown off, and now I could see much farther away. The lakes actually looked blue now. The view was so good I ended up staying here for almost an hour before finally tearing myself away from this peak. Good leads to bad, and bad leads to good.


Back on the trail, I was in a great mood... for about half an hour. Then I realized I had left my GPS device, my SPOT, on a rock way, way, way uphill on the trail half an hour back. Normally it is always on my backpack so I can’t lose it, but I had taken it off and carried it with me up to the peak, and then forgot to attach it to my big backpack again. Ugh! Now I had to walk back half an hour, uphill, to get it.

Luckily it was still there where I left it. However, now I was too late to get to Packer Lake in time for supper at the lodge there, and I finished the day’s hiking feeling disappointed. I ended up camping right beside the lake at a beautiful spot, and was even there in time to swim and get dried off in the last sunlight of the day. After that, someone who had spent the day nearby and was leaving started chatting with me and gave me a cold beer. The day ended quite nicely after all! Good leads to bad, and bad leads to good.

I woke up to the sound of birds the next morning and a nice lake view.

I took the trail a few minutes around the lake up to Packer Lake Lodge. This is a resort where people rent cabins and can have their meals in the lodge. The lodge itself is open to the public as a restaurant, and I heard PCT hikers often get a discount here.

The inside of the lodge was so cozy, and the chef Krista was very friendly. She is also a very experienced chef who does personal chef service when she’s not here at the lodge, and her food was amazing! She started me off with a scone, frittata, and coffee, gave me seconds of each, and a cookie, and some peach. And yes, there was a heavy discount on this meal. What a wonderful way to start the day.


In the late afternoon, I passed a hiker going south who told me there was trail magic just ahead and it was good. Anyone who’s been reading my blog knows what happened next. Yes, I started half running, half walking to get there as soon as I could before they packed up for the night. Food as motivation, never fails! Well I did make it there in time, and this was quite possibly the gold medal of all on-trail trail magic setups I’ve seen.

下午快要傍晚的時候有個往南走的登山客,他說前面不遠我就會遇到trail magic而且東西很好吃。看過我部落格的人都知道接下來發生了什麼事,沒錯我又開始走快,偶爾用跑的,怕他們傍晚就會收東西所以想要儘快到,有食物當動力我的速度就可以加快。我今天來得及,而且這一起trail magic獲得金牌,是專業等級的。
Gail and Ann had their trailer parked here for the weekend and had all kinds of food for hikers. They even had a menu written out on a whiteboard. I was the only one there, so they were extra generous with their time and food. They made me two hamburgers, there was potato salad, chilli relleno, chips and salsa, drinks, brownie for dessert, and I’m probably forgetting something. Being able to sit in a real chair eating a real meal having a nice conversation with these nice women... I just don’t know how this moment could have gotten any better. Oh, a nice sunset, that’s how.

這兩位女生開露營車來這裡過週末,準備很多吃的給經過的登山客。他們還把當天三餐的菜單寫在白板上,專業吧!我到的時候是沒有別的登山客,所以他們招待得特別好,晚餐的量特別大,她們做了兩個漢堡給我, 還有馬鈴薯沙拉、一種辣椒與起司做的料理、玉米片與莎莎醬、汽水、布朗尼,東西太多了我可能沒有全部都記住。這一刻很完美,本來以為心情不能再好,不過吃完晚餐跟他們看美麗的夕陽真的讓心情更好。
The sunset was very orange because there was smoke nearby, again. Little did I know, the smoke was about to get much worse before it got better. I still had a couple more weeks to go in Northern California and the huge Carr fire was burning away less than 100 miles away. More fires were likely, and at this point I just wanted to hurry up and get to Oregon before the trail closed somewhere.


The next warning sign that the fires were getting worse was in the morning, when I woke up to ash on top of my tent.

On this day, I only saw one other hiker the entire day. This was a record on trail for me and felt pretty creepy. I passed a significant milestone and then came upon a bridge high over what looked like a perfect swimming river. I went down to have a look and sure enough the pools were perfect for a dip. I spent a lot of time here, swimming, eating lunch, drying in the sun.


Something I haven’t mentioned before is that I don’t carry a swim suit or towel in my backpack. The easiest way to get in the water and then quickly get dry again is just to wear nothing at all while swimming and then dry off in the sun and put my dry clothes back on again. Well of course, even though I only saw ONE hiker the entire day, he walked over the bridge at the exact time I was swimming under the bridge. What are the odds? He never came down to swim, so I wonder if I scared him off, haha!


Later, the smoke got heavier and heavier. Pretty soon the forest had a strange orange glow in it, which made the bark on the trees shine a very interesting color.


The trail climbed out of the forest and there I could really see how smoky it was. The sky was white in the distance, and the sun was dark orange. There were no clouds, but the smoke was thick enough that I didn’t even cast a shadow; it was just a uniform orange light all around me.


Still, I could see far in the distance the smoke abruptly stopped, and it was blue sky behind it. Luckily, I was walking in that general direction.

In the evening, I managed to walk out of the smoke into the blue sky as I arrived at Bucks Lake. I went for my second swim of the day here and then sat down for pizza and a drink at Lakeshore Resort. Despite the heavy, heavy smoke, it was an all around great day.


The next day, I had another setback. My camera finally died. I knew it was coming, but it is still frustrating that it happened before I finished the PCT. Once I reached Belden, I took out the battery and SD card and simply threw it into the trash bin. Cell phone pics only from here on out. Goodbye old friend.

Belden is not really a town but a hotel, restaurant and campground at what used to be a popular stop on the train some time early last century. I had a swim in the river to get all cleaned up before going into the restaurant, and then I was feeling particularly good so I ordered two meals for myself.


Here I ran into Gina, now hiking with an Irish guy, Merman. I ate supper with Gina way back on Day 2 of my hike, saw her once more around Day 28, then never again until today. Even with the 10 days I spent hiking up north with Sana and the week off for the wedding that should have put her 17 days ahead of where I was, yet I’d managed to catch up to her! I soon found out why. She said she was really enjoying the trail, but had also taken 27 zeroes by that point. For comparison, I’ve taken 9 so far. This is what I love about the PCT. Everyone is free to enjoy the trail in their own way. You want to take 27 zeroes? Sure. You want to crush 37 miles every day for as long as you can and finish in early August? Sure. Furthermore, you just never know who you might run into on the trail; even people you think you will never see again sometimes reappear, as people take breaks for various reasons, flip ahead and back on the trail for various reasons, etc.


Anyway, the inevitable finally happened today... Someone thought I was actually a hobo.


I was on the sidewalk outside the store trying to reorganize my food for the next couple days and see if I needed to buy anything. Then a man approached with his wallet open, pulled out a 20-dollar bill, and said, “Here, I want you to have this.” I stood stunned for a moment, then replied awkardly, “Actually, I’m not really homeless, I’m just hiking.” He still wanted to give me the money, but I assured him I really didn’t need it and couldn’t take it, but thanks anyway. I mean, what else could I say? He got back in his car with his friend and drove away, waving, as I stood there trying to make sense of what had just happened. I mean, my hair is a mess and I have a unkempt beard going on, sure... but I had just washed up in the river, and wasn’t even wearing my hiking clothes but my “nice” clothes, and he still thought I was homeless. Wow!


Anyway, leaving Belden, there is a very long, hot climb. I opted to start this tonight, and then finish it early tomorrow morning before it gets too hot. Leaving Belden, it’s quite a nice walk through the forest with some views back toward Belden and the train tracks.


Good leads to bad... The next morning when I did the bulk of the climb, it just never seemed to end. Hour after hour after hour with no views at all, just a lot of false summits and corners after which the trail inevitably continued uphill. I can easily say this was the worst section of the entire PCT to date. Clearly, I wasn’t the only one who didn’t like this section of the trail.


I started this section with a Butte, so why not finish it with a Butt?

I finally finished the climb by late morning and met a Mexican guy named Omar at the top, the only Mexican I have met on the trail. He said he started the trail about 20 miles north of the border because, even though he’s in the US legally, a Mexican hiking anywhere near the border is just too suspicious. Sad, but it’s probably true that he would have been detained. 

接近中午的時候終於走完這該死的爬坡段,在上面遇到以為墨西哥人Omar,是我在PCT唯一遇過的墨西哥人。他說他選的PCT起點在墨西哥邊境北邊20英里的地方,雖然他是合法居住在美國但在墨西哥邊境旁邊看到一個墨西哥人警察一定會先去抓他,會造成他的很多麻煩,因此他直接跳過最前面那一段路。 他要漏掉那一段路我覺得很可惜,不過他想到要這樣做我覺得很聰明。

For lunch, I cooked up some soup mix that I had bought in Belden. The label didn’t say beef, but rather beef......ish, so I knew it was a gamble. Not the greatest marketing choice.

Just ahead on trail before the next town was the legendary PCT midpoint marker. I wanted to reach it in the evening today, but for some reason my pace was slow and I just felt too tired to push on with Gina and Merman. Disappointed at my slow progress and still upset about the horrible climb from the morning, I set up camp. But, then I found out I had strong cell service way up in the middle of nowhere here. I was able to call family in Canada and talk on the phone for an hour or two as I sat in camp alone having my supper. It was a nice end to an otherwise miserable day of hiking. Bad leads to good!


The next morning I did make it to the midpoint. This was a bit anticlimactic for me, because if I count the miles I hiked with Sana further north, I’ve done quite a bit more than half the PCT already. But anyway, I give you...the midpoint marker:


Coming up was the town of Chester, where I was planning to take about three days off to rest up and work on my blog at the library. It seemed like a good place to stay for a while because there was free camping at the church. Also, many people on the app were raving in the comments about this pizza place that has a lunch buffet for 9 dollars. That’s right... as much pizza as you can eat, for 9 dollars!! I planned to eat there all three days at lunch, packing some pounds back on, not spending very much, and eating delicious pizza. I’d already been thinking about this place for the last 3 days and drooling intermittently throughout the day. But, good leads to bad... Imagine my disappointment when I noticed a comment on the app this morning saying their warming table was broken and would take 2 or 3 weeks to have repaired, so the buffet was NOT being offered anymore. One of the other users’ comments captured my feeling perfectly: heartbroken.


Anyway, Merman, Gina and I arrived at the road at about the same time and hitched into Chester together with a local real estate appraiser named Mark. We found somewhere else to eat, and then I got my tent set up at the church. They not only let us use the yard, but also have a canopy set up on the deck, hiker boxes, free WiFi, and power outlets. I left a big donation for these guys. 

我跟Merman與Gina大概同時走到公路,一起搭便車到小鎮。首先我們去吃早午餐,後來我去教堂搭帳篷。教會還讓我們坐露台,在露台上有共用開放式帳篷、hiker box、電子插座,教會也提供免費的WiFi,好貼心的教會,我捐了多一點錢給他們。
I was still feeling upset about the pizza buffet when I went to do laundry. Then, bad turned to good again. Some other hikers were at the laundromat and told us they had hitchhiked into Chester because the trail from Belden to here was now CLOSED! Apparently there was a fire near Belden so they closed this section. We actually walked out on a closed trail this morning. I am committed to walking a continuous footpath to Canada, so if I couldn’t walk that section, I would have had to road walk something like 45 miles to get to Chester and that would have been miserable. On top of that, I wouldn’t have seen the midpoint marker. Suddenly I felt very lucky, and the pizza buffet seemed very trivial.


Still, it’s a good thing I’m in town for three days. I stepped on the scale here and found I’m down to 125 pounds, from 134 at the start. It’s time to stop exercising and start eating!!


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