Thursday, August 23, 2018

D102-D108: Goodbye, California! 加州再見

Days 102 to 108:

Before jumping back on the trail, I decided to do a little shopping. Nearby was a Wal-Mart, which has far more selection at far lower prices than anything else I would ever encounter on trail. Also, in Oregon and Washington I wasn’t going to go through many towns so I would have to start mailing resupply boxes ahead to myself. I ended up buying almost all of my food for the next two states here. 

Then I went to the tables at the Subway in Wal-Mart to take off all the packaging, divide up the food, repackage it in Ziplocs, and organize it into eight different resupply packages. After two and a half hours and some confused looks from other shoppers going by, I finally had my Oregon and Washington resupply ready.

東西買好之後我去Wal-Mart裡面的Subway把包裝拆掉 ,再來把糧食分裝到密封袋中,最後分成八分當接下來各段路程的補給包。超市的很多客人在我忙的這兩半小時看著我好像不懂我在做什麼,我只能裝沒看到他們盯著我。在Wal-Mart忙完我鬆了一大口氣,在奧勒岡州和華盛頓州走的時候幾乎不用再想補給這個問題了。
Then I had to figure out how to get all this to the post office. Maybe I should have done the math ahead of time. With each of my resupplies weighing 10 or 12 pounds, and 8 resupply bags, that was over 80 pounds I had to carry on my arms. I managed to get the bags onto the bus, but then it turned out this particular bus didn’t stop at the stop near the post office. In a panic, I got off as soon as I could, but by then I had about half a kilometer to walk carrying these 8 bags on my arms (and my full backpack on my back of course). It was very hot that day, too, and I was sweating buckets after about 5 steps. I ended up taking four bags ahead at a time, dropping them, then going back for the other four, and on and on down the street like that. Finally, a woman came by walking and offered to help! She took 2 bags and I took the other 6 and finally I was able to walk at something resembling a normal pace. I was very grateful for that helping hand. I got everything mailed off and to the next bus stop with 8 minutes to spare. The next bus going out to this trailhead was four days later. Close call!


This bus took me back out to the trailhead where I had started my hike with Sana. It was near a town called Seiad Valley. Their town sign displays the flag of the State of Jefferson, which is not a real state but a proposed state. Many of the rural people in northern California and southern Oregon would like to break away from their current states and form a new one, and the idea has more support in this county than anywhere else.

這班車我坐到我跟Sana走的起點,跟她走是往南走而我今天要從那裡起步往北走。這個登山口在一個叫做Seiad Valley的小鎮附近,他們鎮前的牌子上有傑斐遜州的州旗,這不是真正的周而是南奧勒岡州與北加州的很多人民想要成立的構想中州,此縣的支持率最高。

There is a general store in the town that almost all hikers visit. Apparently the drivers in this area aren’t that careful, as the following sign on the store suggests:

This store is nice enough to hold packages for hikers at no cost, so I had a new pair of shoes sent here. I have worn two different models from Altra, the Lone Peaks and the Timps. Now I am going to try the Olympuses, which have the thickest padding of all. If I’m lucky, these will last me the next 1000 miles to Canada.

這間店會幫我們免費保留包裹所以我新買的鞋子寄到這裡。我已經穿過Altra的兩種越野跑鞋,Lone Peak和Timp,現在要試底部最厚的Olympus。我希望這雙鞋可以穿到加拿大。
After waiting out the heat in town, I finally set out on the last section of California in the evening. If you’re wondering what kind of places we typically camp at on the PCT, here is a perfect example. Any spot that’s mostly flat and has nothing growing on it will do.


The next day started out in a really dry area following a ridge, but I did find some delicious blackberries.


This was to be my last day in California, and even got my first glimpse of Oregon this morning.

The water sources were very small, but someone had gotten creative with some leaves, making it much easier to fill up here.


While I was walking, I heard a rattling sound right beside my legs. It sounded like a rattlesnake and I jumped! I looked behind me carefully but couldn’t see the snake anywhere. A few minutes later, I heard another rattle and jumped again. I looked around and still didn’t see a snake hiding in the grass. A few minutes later, it happened again! This time, I finally figured out what was making the sound. There was some sort of pea plant growing here and the pods were fully dry already. The rattling was just the sound of the seeds inside the pod! I felt pretty silly for jumping, but relieved at the same time.

Late in the day, I passed some nice meadows and an old cabin. The app said this place was almost destroyed and unusable, but that was old information. Some people have been out here repairing the cabin and making it livable again. The sign above the door said this was Donomore Cabin, but the new sign against the wall said something entirely different. Don’t ask, because I don’t know what this was about… probably just some lonely hunters who stayed here having a good laugh.

下午接近奧勒岡邊境的時候我經過很漂亮的草地還有一棟老舊小木屋。手機app的資訊說小木屋已經毀掉不能住了,但我發現資訊有一陣子沒有更新,最近有人來這裡修理,已經可以住人了。 懂英文的人仔細看會發現兩個牌子寫的小木屋名稱不一樣,其中一個應該只是寫好玩的。

I was eager to walk one more mile and get into Oregon tonight, but this cabin was too good to pass up. There was a new cot to sleep on inside, a table, chairs, and even a TV tray. I decided to stay put for the night and enjoy the amenities. There’s nothing like a real chair and table to make you feel like a person again. Oregon could wait.


The next morning I passed the last road in California.

On my 104th day of the trip, I finally reached the end of California and a brand new state.


California seemed like it would never end. It’s so big that well over 60% of the entire PCT is in this one state. From the Mexican desert, to the high Sierras, to the volcanoes of northern California; after 1692 miles, I finally entered Oregon. And I’ll tell you something, it felt pretty good!

This was more exciting than reaching the PCT midpoint. It might even be more exciting than reaching the Canadian border, as I now only have 962 miles left, whereas California was nearly double that. I say “only” 962 miles because after starting with 2650 miles to go three months ago, to suddenly see only three digits in the distance remaining seems like I’ve got most of it done.


My first views in Oregon were of course similar to Northern California.


I had another gear failure today: the chest strap on my backpack broke. Also, my foot was starting to really hurt from the new shoes. There was too much padding and it was pressing up very hard on the bottom of my foot. Still, I was too happy being done with California to get upset about these things.

My first stop in Oregon was near Interstate 5, which we already crossed once in California. Most people got a ride into the city of Ashland from here, but since I only started back on the trail a couple days ago, I didn’t need to go in and resupply yet. I did, however, make a stop at Callahan’s Lodge just off the Interstate. They have a menu so pricey that I normally wouldn’t have stopped here. However, they have an incredible deal for PCT hikers. You get a free beer, and for $16 they have bottomless spaghetti with a side salad. I had been craving a nice tomato sauce for over two months already, and $16 was a great value considering how much I was going to eat. I ended up sitting down with a trail couple that was there at the same time, Seer and Galaxy, and fully enjoying the beautiful patio at the lodge. I ordered three plates of spaghetti and couldn’t quite finish the third one. I am not one to waste food, but I was FULL. I was so full that if I took one more bite of food I was sure I would throw up. It was one of the best meals I’ve had on trail!

奧勒岡州的第一站是州際公路5號,在北加已經接觸過一次了。大部分的人會在這裡搭便車到附近的一個城市Ashland,但因為我兩天前才剛回到步道上我還不需要補給。不過公路旁邊有一個度假山莊 Callahan’s也很值得一去。室內裝潢很舒服,髒髒的我走進去就覺得豪華的環境被自己破壞了,但他們很歡迎登山客來吃飯或過夜甚至有優惠價。菜單上的東西都很貴,我平常不願意花這麼多錢吃飯,但他們有提供給持有PCT許可證的人一杯啤酒免費,然後只要16元美金就有一個沙拉和吃到飽的麵包和義大利麵,對一直都很餓的登山客來說超級划算。我最近兩個月也一直想吃番茄醬的義大利麵卻都沒有機會,今天不但吃得到而且還能吃到飽。這時候剛好有另外兩個PCT登山客來叫做Seer(先見者)和Galaxy(星系),所以我們三個到外面的露台一起吃。我點了三盤義大利麵,兩盤吃完沒問題,第三盤我真的吃不完。我總是幫別人吃完東西的那個人,很不喜歡浪費食物,但我那天很確定再吃一口吃到飽就會變成吃到爆,嘔吐的話三盤都浪費了,只好留下一點點不吃。東西多,沙拉品質佳,環境漂亮,跟其他登山客一起吃,的確是我PCT中很難忘的一餐。
I walked back out to the highway and did a few more miles that evening, watching a gorgeous sunset as I set up camp for the night.


I continued on through more very dry trail the next day.


Today, I went to Hyatt Lake Resort, just a couple miles off the trail. The resort owners like hikers coming in to spend money, and they will actually come pick you up at the trailhead and drive you to the resort if you just call them. I had some pizza here, but more importantly, I had to go here and pick up the first of my resupply boxes that I sent to myself. It wasn’t there when I arrived so I was a bit nervous, but the UPS guy came a couple hours later and had my box.

今天又走到一個度假地點Hyatt Lake,離步道有幾公里遠但是只要我們打電話跟他們說一下他們會開車來仔我們到餐廳。我在這裡吃到披薩但我進去的主要原因不是為了去餐廳吃,是因為我第一個補給箱寄到這裡。我到的時候箱子不在害我很緊張,但吃完飯一小時後UPS人員來送包裹而其中一個是我的。

My feet were really hurting today from these new shoes, so after I left the resort I decided to pull out the Crocs again. Of course they didn’t hurt my feet at all, so I did the rest of the day in them.

新鞋底部不知道是太厚還是太軟了, 反正我的腳今天更痛,離開Hyatt Lake後我決定暫時穿塑膠鞋,當然穿這雙鞋腳一直到晚上紮營時都不會痛。
With no one to talk to and nothing to do but walk all day long, I was finally running out of things to think about, so I decided to start listening to audio books. The first one is Stephen King’s The Stand, perfect for this hike because it’s over 47 hours long. So far I am loving the way he writes and it is helping pass the time faster.


If you’re wondering what a typical trail meal looks like, it’s just a quick sit down in the dirt, eating whatever random things I can find in my food bag. Rarely, you find somewhere with a real picnic table and you can really spread out like in a real kitchen. Lunch and supper locations from today:


I ended up meeting an Israeli guy named Chocolate Chip and an American named Addison and camping or eating with one of them quite a few times. One day a whole bunch of people seemed to stop at the same place because there was a picnic table there and a water pump. Another Israeli guy that they knew, Croc, happened to show up that day and he shared some Israeli food and drink with all of us. One of these items was the best tahini ever, according to both Israelis, and after trying it I agreed. The other was coffee with cardamom in it, which is now my absolute favourite kind of coffee.

在奧勒岡州我認識了一位以色列人Chocolate Chip(巧克力碎片)和一位美國人Addison,很常在吃飯或紮營的地點遇到。有一天很多登山客都決定在同一個地方用餐,這是因為有桌子和手動水泵。那天剛好還有另外一個以色列人同時來到這個地方吃午餐,是Chocolate Chip和Addison早就認識的Croc。他跟我們分享以色列的食物和飲料,包括世界第一好吃的芝麻醬,還有含小豆蔻的咖啡,這種咖啡我沒喝過不過喝了一口就愛上它了,真的很推薦大家喝喝看這種做法。

One of the characters in the book I’m listening to got sick and was told by the doctor to go home and get a good night’s sleep. Imagining this character going home to a shower, a soft bed, and a long night of uninterrupted sleep in a dark room with nothing to wake up and do the next morning made me insanely jealous. That’s right, I was jealous of a sick fictitious character. I am trying to do more miles now to catch up to where I should be, and to meet my cousin in Washington as he is going to hike with me for a few days. This means I’m doing 30 to 35 miles each day and not sleeping in. I’m also dirtier right now than on any other section of the trail, with black lava fields and volcanic dust all around.


At one of my snack stops the next day, I finally saw a new kind of animal. A badger was waddling up the trail but once he noticed me he quickly turned around and ran away. I also took a picture of a typical snack to add to the blog: Rice Krispies squares dipped in Biscoff cookie butter, Goldfish crackers, dried fruit.


Pretty soon I was under 900 miles to Canada, and passed another hundred miles of the PCT.


On my last day, I decided I would just keep walking until I got to the next stop on the trail, Crater Lake National Park. This would mean a 37-mile day and hiking until after 10 p.m., but then I could set up camp and actually *sleep in* the next morning! There was a large burn area this day. I finally saw why they had to keep the trail closed even after a fire is out sometimes. Look at how the trees have bent down and now almost block the trail in the second picture. I’m almost surprised this section isn’t closed.


The smoke was pretty heavy this day, which made for a spooky sunset and does not bode well for the views of Crater Lake tomorrow.

At about 10:30 p.m., exhausted and hungry, Addison and I walked into Mazama Village, one of the tourist service areas in Crater Lake National Park. We ate our dinners and went to set up camp in the campground. I went for a walk to the shower building down the road and found it to be open. Also, the water was hot. Also, it wasn’t coin operated! Free hot showers with no time limit are almost impossible to find on the trail but here was one, and it was now midnight and no one would be waiting in line behind me to shower, and I was also the dirtiest I’ve been on the whole trail, and I could sleep in the next morning. This night couldn’t have ended more perfectly. After a good half hour scrub, I went to sleep warm, clean and happy.


The next morning I had breakfast at the nearby restaurant. I had the chance to speak Mandarin again as two of the girls working there were students from Taiwan! After breakfast, I did my laundry and got my next resupply box that I had mailed to myself from the campground store. My clothes were so dirty that after the washing machine finished with them, there was still a film of dust all over the wash tub, just like the outside of a car after driving down a gravel road.

Crater Lake is one of the highlights of the PCT for most people, and is probably one of the most famous natural tourist attractions in the US. Unfortunately the sky was very smoky from forest fires today and the views probably wouldn’t be very good. With everything taken care of in Mazama Village, it was time to start the hike up to the lake.



  1. So awesome to read about your trip, 泰樂! You're an inspiration.

    --Jody in California

    1. Glad to share the journey! Thought you were in Oregon. I guess that's old news.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
