Thursday, August 16, 2018

D95-D101 A lava tube, a pool, and a bear 一個熔岩管、一個游泳池、一隻熊

Days 95 to 101:

After 3 nights in Chester, I finally left. The tricky part about leaving Chester is that after 15 miles you enter Lassen Volcanic National Park, where a bear canister is required for overnight camping. Of course most hikers, including me, already got rid of their canisters after the Sierras. Most people therefore do a half day out of Chester, 10 or 15 miles, then walk all the way through the park the following day for 19 miles and camp somewhere beyond that. I chose to stay in Chester one more night the day before, so today I was going to try to get to the park and clear it one day, over 34 miles. This would be a new personal best for me. 


The going was so easy at first, soft ground and shady, with a nice wide clearance. Well, easy if you're on foot, not easy if you're on four wheels (WTF?). 


Once inside the national park, the first item of interest was Boiling Springs Lake. The lake’s water was an eerie non-transparent green and the soil around it was red. This is definitely a volcanic park, as you can see.

As I checked on my progress, I discovered I would be near Drakesbad Guest Ranch just after 1 p.m. Originally I was planning to skip this place, but 1 p.m. was exactly the right time for their hiker lunch. Once again, some of my fastest miles on trail were motivated by the promise of food. I stepped on the gas and made it there by 12:45.


I caught up to a new group of hikers here and chatted with them for a bit until the regular customers were done and the hikers got called in. For a reduced price, hikers get to clean up the buffet after the ranch guests have finished their meal. Yes… BUFFET!  This was possibly the best 12 bucks I've ever spent. Three plates of quality food and unlimited ice-cold drinks and I was full! I think I’ve only felt full about three times since the beginning of the trail; I love this place!


I was actually ahead of schedule leaving the restaurant and it's a good thing because I found somewhere else to spend an hour later in the day. The trail passed right by a nice lake with a sand bottom, perfect for swimming.


In the evening I walked through an old burn area and, just before leaving the park, I finally saw what I think is Mt. Lassen, the volcano the park is named after. It has been so smoky here that it hasn't been visible yet from the trail.


Just after sunset I cleared the park boundary and found a campsite. 34.6 miles (55 km) in one day, done! Instead of being a long, punishing day, this was actually one of my favourite days thanks to the buffet lunch and great swim. The trail never stops surprising me.


The next day started off flat and shady again on an idyllic section of trail.

Soon, it got exposed and hot. Luckily, there was a tourist attraction right near the trail where I could escape the heat. This is the entrance to a lava tube.

A long time ago, lava flowed over the ground here. The outer part cooled and hardened and formed a tube, while hot lava continued to flow on the inside for a while. Eventually the lava supply ran out and the tube inside ran empty. Now we can walk through this tube.

On the ceiling, there are even “lavacicles”, where rock started melting down and then froze, just like icicles.

The trail after this had no shade, climbed up a lot, and it was a very hot day. On top of that, the arch of my left foot started hurting a lot. This made for miserable walking and I was seriously wondering if I was going to have to stop many miles short of my planned campsite. It was also a dry section of trail with no water for 16 miles so I was carrying extra water weight, and trying not to drink too much despite the heat. Just when I couldn't imagine things getting any worse, I got online and found out there was a forest fire ahead. This could mean the trail would close soon, and it could mean that the place I was going to spend the day at tomorrow relaxing might not be open. I was feeling very frustrated until…

Trail magic!! Ice-cold drinks in coolers, donuts, Pringles, granola bars, fruit, shade, and a real chair to sit on!! This couldn't have come at a better time. I was hot, thirsty, hungry, and needed a place to sit and rest my foot. This was all of those things. (I’m almost tearing up just remembering this moment as I type the blog.)

冰汽水、甜甜圈、品客、燕麥棒、水果、樹蔭、還有一張椅子讓我坐。這一起trail magic出現的時刻真的剛剛好,前面提到的問題全部一次解決了。(我寫部落格的時候回想當天的心情差點流眼淚)
For the rest of the day, I decided to switch to my trusty Croc for the problem foot. I didn't have any more pain once I switched. These shoes are like magic.

As usual, the evening walk was scenic. The trail this afternoon and evening followed the edge of a cliff with great views of the valley below.


I set up camp earlier than planned, so that my foot could rest and so I would be ready to get up earlier the next day.


The Perseid meteor shower was supposed to peak these two days, so I set my alarm for 4 a.m. Then I just set my sleeping pad and quilt outside the tent, boiled up some tea, and watched the meteors for an hour before dawn. What a great way to start the day!


Today I was going to walk to Burney Mountain Guest Ranch instead of going into the nearby town. I was awake early enough to catch the sunrise, red from all the smoke around.

The trail this morning went through more old lava fields.


Before noon, I arrived at the oasis that is Burney Mountain Guest Ranch.

This place is perfect for hikers. There are showers with towels, laundry machines with loaner clothes you can wear while yours are in the wash, and hiker boxes. There is also an excellent resupply store with almost everything hikers usually want. The selection is even better than most grocery stores!

這裡非常適合登山客休息、補給。有淋浴間,有浴巾可以借,有洗衣機,有舊衣服給我們洗登山衣服的時候穿,還有hiker box。補給商店裡的食物挑得很好,全部都是登山客最常需要的,甚至有很多在外面的超市找不到的東西。

For 25 bucks, you get access to all these services, a place to camp, a meal, and access to the swimming pool! Needless to say, I spent the entire afternoon there almost forgetting I was even on trail.


They had a nice 3D map of California here, much like one I have of Taiwan back at my house in Kaohsiung. It was really cool to see where we have walked since the Mexican border, through the highest terrain available. I traced the trail roughly on the picture with my phone.

I decided to buy breakfast the next day, as well. The owner made us biscuits and gravy, eggs, hash browns, and as many waffles as we wanted for just ten dollars. The waffles are whole grain and her special recipe that she’s been working on for years. I can never go back to plain, boring waffles again!

We had yet another smoky sunset the evening before, still from the Carr fire in Redding, but in the morning the smoke had cleared.


Today, I had planned to leave early but the temptation of breakfast and a morning by the pool was too great. This has been my absolute favourite rest stop on the whole trail! Good food, good services, nice hosts, and a pool, what else do you need? Finally in the middle of the afternoon I headed out. There are still a lot of miles to go to Canada, after all!

Today’s main event was Burney Falls. This place is unique because just one mile upstream from the falls the creek is dry. A huge amount of water comes out of the ground suddenly and creates a gorgeous waterfall nearby.


Late in the evening I passed one of many, many dammed lakes in Northern California near the trail.

The following day I finally got a view of Mt. Shasta. This volcano should have been visible for days before but because of the smoke it was invisible. There was a window of blue sky today and I was shocked to see how big this thing was all of a sudden:


Soon enough, more smoke rolled in, but it didn’t detract much from the views today. Northern California’s mountains are much less rocky and steep, which makes for some nice easy walking but still provides some nice views:

不久後又飄起煙過來, 不過風景還看得到。北加州的山比較不陡峭也比較沒有裸露的岩石,走起來很輕鬆,展望也不錯。

Today was a day of close animal approaches, too. I came across a doe and her two fawns. One of the fawns was much more curious than the other and got closer to look at me while the other one hid. I walked right beside the doe on the trail and it didn’t even run away.


Later on I came across a buck when collecting water. He followed me back to the trail and just stood there watching me, unafraid.

And finally, after a hundred days on trail… finally, I saw a bear. He was walking in the trees above me, so I couldn’t get a good picture of him. I wasn’t too nervous seeing this bear, as he looked quite small and was alone.

He came down to the trail and noticed me. He froze in place and stared at me for a good ten seconds as I stared back. Then, he suddenly bolted downhill and was out of sight in seconds. That night I camped with two others I had recently met, an American named Redwood and a Japanese guy named Rockhand. After a bear sighting so close by, it was nice not to have to camp alone!


I don’t like camping alone. Before leaving the trail for a week in July, I had only camped alone once on the entire trail. This surprised a lot of people, but I found I slept more easily with other people around so I always opted for big campsites where it was likely others would be camped as well. After my week off and the days with my friend Sana, I got back on trail far to the south where almost all of this year’s PCT hikers had already passed. This meant I had to camp alone several nights in a row. It will be nice to jump ahead soon and get back on the trail with more people around.


Today, I finally finished walking the section up to Dunsmuir, which is where I ended when walking with Sana a couple weeks ago, right around the 1500 mile mark.


The trail was straight south of Mt. Shasta, which was visible even closer today during a brief window of blue sky.

Soon enough, the smoke rolled in again from the Redding fire. This ruined the view of the volcano but created an interesting sunbeam effect in the forest.

From here, I don’t need to keep walking as I have already done the next 155 miles of the trail this year with Sana. I have to take a bus to the north and get back on the trail near the California-Oregon border.


Redwood and I got a ride into Dunsmuir and had a nice burger and beer at the brewery, and then parted ways. He needs to keep walking from here, but I’m jumping further north. After 101 days, California is almost finished!


1 comment:

  1. Awesome pics! Wait till Oregon, you'll crush your longest days there no doubt. Looking forward to hearing about the last 2 states because that's the part I hiked.
