Tuesday, August 28, 2018

D112-D113: The 24-hour challenge 24小時挑戰

Days 112 to 113:

I woke up this morning hearing light rain outside still. If it kept going, this was not going to be a nice way to hike 24 hours. I got out of the tent and started breakfast. As I was doing this the rain finally stopped for a bit. I prepared my lunch ahead of time and got all the snacks I would need into my outside pockets so I wouldn’t have to waste time during the day. I packed up a sopping wet tent covered in clinging dirt and pine needles, but at least I was nice and dry and ready to tackle the 24-hour challenge! What’s more, the sun was coming out…

At 8:25 a.m., I left the campsite and started the 24-hour challenge.


Time: 08:25
Elapsed time: 0h00min
Total distance covered: 0 miles

Because I came up short yesterday, I was not 62 miles away from Big Lake Youth Camp but 66 miles. I still wanted to get to the camp before resting for a day, but to get there I might have to keep walking for another few hours after the 24-hour challenge is over. After all, my initial estimate for 24 hours was 62 miles or less. I was not looking forward to this 66-mile distance but I was enjoying the nicer weather. On this section of trail, quite a few of the original trail markers remain, which look different than the current ones.


The rain the night before had left droplets of water all over the needles of the trees. As I walked through the forest, the sunlight hit these drops, sometimes reflecting white, sometimes refracting into all the colours of the rainbow that shifted as I went by. It was as if there Christmas trees with sparkling lights all around me.

The rain the night before had also cleaned the air significantly. Today, the sky was blue and free of smoke, and the air smelled pristine. It ended up being an absolutely perfect day to be walking for 24 hours. 


Time: 15:25 
Elapsed time: 7h00min
Total distance covered: 22.5 miles
Average pace: 3.2 mph


I ran into a new kind of animal today: an elk. These are much, much bigger than deer but a lot more skittish. The one in the photo here ran away when I was still 200 yards away. Later on I saw two cow elk running away in the distance. 

In the evening I walked up to a string of four volcanoes. Broken Top (right) and the South Sister (left) are in the picture here. Immediately to the north of South Sister are Middle and North Sister. Together, these are the Three Sisters.

Time: 17:00
Elapsed time: 8h35min
Total distance covered: 27.3 miles
Average pace this section: 3.0 mph
Average pace overall: 3.2 mph


Walking through the volcanic plains below South Sister was some of the best scenery I’ve seen on the trail, second only to Sonora Pass. This giant red-topped volcano jutting up into the blue sky lit up by the golden evening is something I will never forget. 


Time: 19:25
Elapsed time: 11h00min
Total distance covered: 35.1 miles
Average pace this section: 3.2 mph
Average pace overall: 3.2 mph


I stopped for a snack just before sunset. High protein high fat is the name of the game for a long walk like this so I lathered up some tortillas with Nutella and threw on some banana chips. I hope there are no nutritionists reading this. As I snacked on this, the final sunlight of the day turned the volcano fire red. 


After sunset it really got cold fast. Pretty soon there was frost on the grass. It’s not cold as long as you’re walking, but it is definitely another sign of summer leaving.

Time: 21:25
Elapsed time: 13h00min
Total distance covered: 40.0 miles
Average pace this section: 2.5 mph
Average pace overall: 3.1 mph


I don’t have many pictures at night for obvious reasons. The trail did pass through something called the Obsidian Limited Entry Area. This area requires a special permit to enter for most people, as they are trying to protect a fragile area. PCT hikers, however, are allowed to walk through it without stopping with a PCT permit. For a couple miles the ground is absolutely covered in a special glass-like rock made in the surrounding volcanoes called obsidian. This was a rock of choice for indigenous people making arrowheads and knives as it is very hard, flakes off easily, and is incredibly sharp when broken. This rock is so shiny that at night from a distance it almost looked like reflections off a still pond. 

Time: 00:25
Elapsed time: 16h00min
Total distance covered: 48.5 miles
Average pace this section: 2.8 mph
Average pace overall: 3.0 mph


Towards the end of the night I came to the infamous lava fields. The trail here is not nice packed earth or gravel. Instead, we have to walk over fist-sized uneven rocks for miles and miles. I had to go way slower through this section simply because every step on this stuff while carrying a heavy backpack in the dark had the potential to twist my ankle. 

Walking on this stuff for literally hours on end was one of the most frustrating experiences of the whole trail, although the look of these black barren lava fields under the moonlight was quite beautiful. With a long break to cook a hot meal beside a lake followed by the lava fields, this section’s pace was by far the slowest of my 24-hour challenge.


Time: 04:25
Elapsed time: 20h00min
Total distance covered: 56.0 miles
Average pace this section: 1.9 mph
Average pace overall: 2.8 mph


By dawn, I was really starting to feel sleepy. I had a couple of 2-minute micro-naps standing against a tree with my eyes closed, but it was really starting to be a struggle to go on. Amazingly, my feet and legs didn’t feel that tired; it was only the sleepiness that was getting to me. The good news was that I knew I would make 62 miles, and might even make it to the camp within the 24 hours. I paused to celebrate this for a moment (and briefly rest my eyes again) as I stood on the slope of Mount Washington watching the sunrise. Mount Washington’s triangular shadow can be seen in the middle of the picture below.

凌晨的時候我越來越想睡很難再前進,我甚至站在樹旁邊頭靠著樹幹閉上眼睛稍微睡了一兩分鐘。很其妙的是我腳不會痛也不會累,是單純睡眠剝奪的問題。 不過這時候有一件讓我很開心的事,我已經很確定我走得完62英里甚至有機會在24小時內走到夏令營。我在華盛頓山的半山腰上停頓了一下,為了慶祝我的進度讓自己站在那裡看日出,偶爾閉上眼睛。照片中間在地平線附近看得到華盛頓山投出的三角形影子。
Time: 06:25
Elapsed time: 22h00min
Total distance covered: 61.3 miles
Average pace this section: 2.7 mph
Average pace overall: 2.8 mph


After the sun came up and my body realized I wasn’t going to sleep anytime soon, I got my second wind. With over half an hour to spare, I made it to the junction for Big Lake Youth Camp!

Time: 07:42
Elapsed time: 23h17min
Total distance covered: 64.8 miles
Average pace this section: 2.7 mph
Average pace overall: 2.8 mph


I could have called it quits there, but I really wanted to see how much ground I could cover in a full 24 hours, so I decided to walk ahead on the trail about 20 minutes and then back, just to get in a couple more miles in the 24-hour period. I guess I was pretty excited at this point because my pace going out and back to the junction then into the camp was faster than ever!


Time: 08:20
Elapsed time: 23h55min
Total distance covered: 67.2 miles
Average pace this section: 3.8 mph
Average pace overall: 2.8 mph


I had arrived at Big Lake Youth Camp on a beautiful sunny morning, after walking 67.2 miles (108 km) in just under 24 hours. Challenge complete!

This was a perfect spot to rest up after such a long walk. This place is actually an operational youth camp, but allows hikers to rest here during the day, get cleaned up, and even have a meal or two, or three! The camp got funding from sponsors to help out, so there is actually a separate building just for hikers here. There are showers and laundry inside, power outlets, and CHAIRS galore! These services are all free, though there is a box for donations. They also hold packages for hikers and I had two of my own boxes waiting for me here.


The first good news was that I arrived early enough to get breakfast. Hikers are allowed to go to the mess hall and eat with all the campers and staff, and again there is no charge but donations are accepted. After the 24-hour challenge, having somewhere like this to relax and recuperate without having to worry about food was pretty much a miracle. This is yet another example of the incredible generosity PCT hikers experience all along the trail. Frankly, I’m surprised a youth camp allows a bunch of dirty vagrants like us to hang out there, especially with kids around, but I sure am thankful they’ve given us a chance. 

The other good news is that I finally caught up to some people I knew from the desert section! Several of them had arrived the day before (including Pizza in the food line above, one of the nicest and funniest guys I met on the trail) and were heading out that afternoon. I was going to spend the night here and recuperate but I would be just behind them on trail tomorrow.


While PCT hikers aren’t allowed to spend the night on camp property, there is a little beach just a few minutes’ walk away where hikers can set up tents for the night. This was such a perfect campsite that I ended up spending the whole afternoon here reading, napping and swimming. I can’t think of a better place or a better way to spend a summer day off trail.

This was my last resupply stop in Oregon. After resting a full 24 hours here, I will start out on my next section that will bring me all the way to the Washington border!



  1. Wow! Incredible! I’m just now catching up on your journey through PCT. I can’t believe we met in Mammoth (at the laundromat) and you’ve made it all the way to Oregon. Just read to the kids and they are so stoked. They can’t believe how far you’ve made it. So glad you’re doing well and you’ve made great progress. Can’t wait to continue reading.
