Sunday, September 2, 2018

D114-D118: One famous hotel, two friendly dogs, and all the waffles you can eat 一間著名的飯店、兩隻可愛的狗狗、無限量的鬆餅

Days 114 to 118:

After a nice day of rest and a full night’s sleep, I made a full recovery from the 24-hour challenge. I hung around Big Lake Youth Camp all morning the following day using the WiFi while I could and having a couple more good feeds. It was a nice enough day, but the smoke had rolled in overnight and the blue skies were gone. Just compare my view from the beach yesterday and today:


Soon after leaving in the afternoon, I passed one of the last major milestones of the trip: the 2000-mile mark! It’s almost hard to believe my own two feet have actually carried me that far. I feel really lucky that I’ve made it four months already yet my body is still working normally and I haven’t felt even a bit sick, not even once. My feet and legs are starting to feel like they need a good long soak in a hot tub, but otherwise I am in great spirits. I'm not sure if I'll find a hot tub between here and the border, however. Only 650 miles left!


Today I caught up with Daiquiri, yet another hiker I knew from way back in the desert section, when we were just two hikers looking for another hiker to split a hotel room with. I was expecting to run into more familiar faces in the next few days. The walking was very nice today despite the small amount of smoke in the air. But!! There is some red starting to show here and there in the leaves. Summer is definitely winding down now as it is the end of August.


The main feature that the trail passed by today was the curiously named “Three Fingered Jack”. I feel like there’s a dirty joke just begging to made here but I can’t quite see it.


Yesterday was Mount Washington, tomorrow I will pass Mount Jefferson, and in about week I will pass by Mount Adams. See a pattern here?


We had a perfect view of Jefferson from the trail today:

At the evening campsite I ran into fellow Canadian hiker Rowen, who I also hadn’t seen since the desert section! He carried on hiking as I set up camp and enjoyed the sunset, but I’m sure we’ll meet up again tomorrow.

The next morning, there was a layer of fog on the mountains again, but it was mostly below me, which led to some spooky scenery.


In order to get to Timberline Lodge in time for breakfast (more on that later), I was going to have to pull a couple of 40-mile days here. I could have just spread out the distance over more days, except that I had already made plans to meet my cousin in Washington on September 5th, so I literally had no more time to spare. All I could do was get up early and walk as much as possible each day. As it turned out, this was easier said than done.


First, the trail went through a hazardous burn area. One of the troubles with forest fires is that after all the vegetation is killed, there is nothing to hold the soil together and erosion happens much more quickly. This is bad news for a hiking trail going through the area.

In fact, there was an incident recently on the trail where the trail gave way under the weight of a horse. Rider and horse went sliding downhill into a river. The horse’s legs were broken and it had to be “finished off” on the spot. The rider also had a broken leg and had to be helicoptered out. This was all recent enough that the horse was still there, and every hiker passing by was reminded of the dangers inherent in what we were doing.


As the trail wrapped around to the north side of Mount Jefferson, I was surprised to see glaciers on it! This is quite a low elevation and not very far north so the glaciers almost seem out of place here. The streams running off glaciers like this are often milky in appearance due to all the silt they carry down the slopes.


I ran into Pyro and Vinyl today, two hikers I met back around Mile 1000. They must have also skipped ahead somewhere in California, and just happened to end up exactly where I was on the trail again. It’s interesting how coincidences like this happen quite often on the PCT. I was in such a rush today to get some miles in that I ended up just snacking and never stopped for lunch. It was also cold, cloudy and windy and there was no warm spot to stop. Finally at 5 p.m. I decided I had to stop and have a very late lunch. At that point, Pyro and Vinyl passed by saying they were planning to get to Olallie Lake Resort tonight. I looked at the time and distance, did some quick mental math, and realized if I could just keep up a 3.5 mph pace till dusk I could probably make it there, too!


Originally I wasn’t planning to stop at this resort as I wanted to do 40 miles today and go past it, but I could see now that I wasn’t going to make 40 miles. As it turned out, deciding at the last minute to give up on the 40 miles and go with them to Olallie was one of the luckiest decisions I made on trail. I gave up on late lunch, quickly threw everything back in my backpack, grabbed some more snacks, and started half-walking half-running down the trail.


We arrived there 15 minutes before closing, just in time to buy some ice cream, Doritos and a drink! Olallie is an interesting place, as they don’t even have electricity. In the evening, the owners have a lantern with them inside the store and a couple extras for customers to carry around inside the store. They do have a fridge and freezer, but they are propane powered. As there is no electricity, it is also cash only. Lucky for Vinyl and Pyro, I had lots of cash on me, as they only had cards.


Not only did I get some store food, but there was a guy nearby doing trail magic!! After a long, cold day where I skipped lunch, having a real meal cooked up on the grill was a godsend. And to think, if I had decided not to stop at Olallie, I would have missed this magic! Thank you Vinyl and Pyro for suggesting this stop.

我不只買到店裡的東西,旁邊還有一個人在做trail magic!我今天沒有吃午餐,天氣也一直很冷,現在有機會吃到這位trail angel現做的熱食我覺得好幸運。如果今天沒有遇到Pyro和Vinyl我就會錯過這場trail magic,對他們兩個好感激,他麼兩個因為跟我借來的錢也很感激。PCT真的很常發生這種對大家都有益的事情,很幸運的巧事比在一般生活中常發生,不知道是因為PCT本身的特質還是因為一般生活中我們都太忙綠,無法注意到幸運的巧合或把握可造成對兩人均有益的機會?
The next day I was planning to go 45 miles, so I made sure to wake up early. This way I could get within 5 miles of Timberline Lodge, then wake up the following day and just walk 5 miles in for the breakfast buffet (more on this later). It turned out to be a gorgeous day for walking. The only slight concern was a sign telling us there might be actual wolves in the area, not just coyotes…


With the sun coming out, it still felt a little bit like summer today. I ran into another hiker from back in the desert, Hot Tuna, and I met another guy from Taiwan today, Spiderman! We had lunch together, but I was trying to do 45 miles today so I never saw him again after that. The trail went by a huge lake called Timothy Lake and I couldn’t help but stop on the shoreline to cook a quick meal. Even though I was pressed for time, I couldn’t help but go in for a swim, too. It felt great as usual, but it was pretty cold coming out. I’m sad to say this might be my last swim of the PCT this year. Fall has definitely arrived.

太陽今天有出現了,白天走還是有夏天的感覺。我又遇到南加熟悉的登山客Hot Tuna也遇到了一位來自台灣的登山客Spiderman。我跟他吃了午餐不過因為我今天要走70多公里所以之後沒看到他。下午經過一個很大的湖泊,叫做Timothy湖,忍不住在那裡停下來吃午餐,即使今天要趕路我也忍不住下去游泳。在湖裡泡泡水很舒服,但出來後偏冷,比較涼的秋天要到了,恐怕今天是我在PCT的最後一次游泳。

I walked into the night and finished my 45 miles just after midnight. The plan was to set up camp, sleep until 4 a.m., then walk in the last 2 hours to Timberline Lodge for the breakfast buffet. At this point I realized that there was a good chance I just wouldn’t wake up at 4 a.m. and I would miss out on the experience I had been waiting for since before I even started the PCT: the Timberline Lodge breakfast buffet!! (more on this soon…)


I decided, instead, to just keep walking until I got to the lodge and set up camp there. That way in the morning, I could just roll out of bed and go in for the buffet. No waking up in the dark, no packing up, no hiking. I was pretty tired and miserable during most of this walk, BUT the last half hour was one of the most scenic and memorable experiences of the entire trail. Once again, a last minute decision had ended up giving me something totally unexpected. Timberline Lodge is high up on the slopes of Mt. Hood, a glacier-covered volcano where people come to ski even in the summer. The sky was completely clear tonight and the moon was bright. As I got higher and higher on Mt. Hood, the moonlight illuminated a perfect sea of clouds below me, as well as the patches of snow on Mt. Hood above me.  Mt. Jefferson poked up through this white blanket of clouds. On top of all that, the stars were out, and the lights of Timberline Lodge shone in the distance. It was one of those moments when I had to actually stop walking and just stare in awe all around me as I wondered if this was even real. By the time I got to the campsite near the lodge, the realization that I would be at the buffet in the morning and the magnificent scenery I had just walked through had me so excited it was almost hard to sleep.


But of course, exhausted from walking 51 miles in a day, I did sleep. I woke up in the morning to sunny skies and the same volcano and sea of clouds from the night before, but in a different light. The selfie here is one of my favourite pictures from the trail. I think it captures the simplistic beauty of the PCT experience perfectly: blue sky, a volcano, the trail, hair and beard that are messy but it doesn’t matter one bit, and the realization that I just kicked ass and did 51 miles in a day and some really good food is coming soon thanks to my efforts. This is the face of true happiness!


So… now more about Timberline Lodge. As a ski resort, it is already special in that it operates year-round. It was very strange to hike into this place in shorts and see people in their ski boots and ski pants getting ready to go up the chairlift. The lodge was also a make-work project in the 1930s. More importantly, this was the hotel exterior used in the shots for the movie version of “The Shining”. You can even get your picture take with a Here’s Johnny axe!


Most importantly, it is the home of the “best meal on the PCT” according to many. I saw other hikers going here on YouTube videos before I started the trail and already made up my mind then that no matter what I would have to come eat here. The quality of the food here is excellent, it only costs 18 dollars, the setting couldn’t be nicer, and it is (drum roll, please……..) all you can eat!!


In addition to DIY waffles with real whipped cream, nuts and fresh berries for toppings, there was melon, yogurt, pancakes, syrup, butter, cheesy eggs, frittata, hash browns, sausage links and patties, ham, pastries, smoothies, and more. Of course hungry hikers can easily put down three or our heaping plates of this stuff. Sitting in this architectural showpiece that I had walked to from the Mexican border looking out onto a sea of clouds eating as much of this delicious food as I wanted… It was a pretty nice way to spend a Saturday morning! Some people even take a day off here just so they can have the buffet two days in a row! Sadly, I didn’t have the time for that, but I did stick around for a couple hours afterward making a couple phone calls and enjoying the view and the warm sun from the balcony.

I made a mental note to come back and visit this place again another year, then reluctantly packed up my tent and kept walking. The weather was perfect again today. I am really getting spoiled here and it’s going to be hard to adjust to the wet climate in Taiwan again. The views of Mt. Hood were good all the way until sunset.


The next day was an important one, as it was my last day in Oregon. After California took over 3 months to complete, it was shocking to find Oregon only took me 15 days. As I left the beautiful Mt. Hood behind me, the walk forward was a pleasant one.


About two weeks ago, hikers got some very bad news. There was a forest fire on the trail in the very last section before the Canadian border. This meant that we could walk to the last road in the US but could not finish the PCT! Some people were just stopping there and going home, some people were going to another national park 30 miles away and walking to the border on a different trail, but no one was happy about having to abandon their goal so close to the end. It was one of the worst places a fire could happen, as everyone is looking forward to getting that picture with the northern monument right from Day 1.


Well, after about 2 weeks of panic and suspense, we got some great news this week! The fire closure area has been shrunk, and there is a new detour in place around the fire that will allow us to finish the trail to Canada! I feel sorry for whoever was up north these last two weeks and couldn't finish. I hope they will be able to come back and finish now that it's open again.


As I came around a corner today, there it was in all its glory: Washington. Three of Washington’s volcanoes were suddenly visible: St. Helens, Rainier, and Adams. There was the last state of the PCT, the last section to be traversed before reaching Canada. Suddenly the end seemed within reach; a distance small enough the mind could actually fully grasp.


As I sat down for lunch today, another hiker, Mousetrap, came and joined me. Not long after, two white dogs came bolting out of the bush to join us. Their owners were nowhere in sight but they were not shy at all. In fact, they went right up to Mousetrap, sat down politely yet very close to her, and quietly gave her the sad puppy face waiting for some food. There was no hesitation on their part. They knew they were adorable and weren’t afraid to flaunt it for some snacks. It was so funny how confident these dogs were that we would be their friends. They alternated between playing with each other while running around the campsite and coming back to us waiting for a treat. Mousetrap and I were pretty much laughing continuously this whole time. It was yet another pleasant surprise the PCT can throw at you, and reminded me once again how sometimes it’s the simplest of things that can really make your day.

Eventually the owners did return. The dogs ran back to see them for about 10 seconds, and then proceeded to run back to us and wait for more treats!


Later in the afternoon, I finally got a view of the mighty Columbia River. This river actually flows into the US from Canada and everything you see on the far side of the river is the State of Washington.

我下午終於看到了哥倫比亞河, 這條河起源於加拿大,流經美國時在奧勒岡與華盛頓之間劃出天然的州界,所以在對岸看到的土地都屬於華盛頓州。
After descending down to the town of Cascade Locks, I was at the lowest point on the entire PCT, not far above sea level in fact. The Bridge of the Gods connects Oregon to Washington over the Columbia River, and was the ending point for Cheryl Strayed’s hike (the author of Wild).

下切到Cascade Locks這河邊的小鎮我已抵達PCT最低點,與海平面的落差不大。眾神之橋在此當兩州的重要跨河聯絡道路,PCT也是在這座橋上跨過哥倫比亞河。看過《那時候,我只剩下勇敢》這部電影或這本小說的人也應該知道雪兒·史翠德以這座橋當做她PCT壯遊的終點。
I made it into town in time to sit down at a restaurant right beside the river as I contemplated the end of Oregon. The restaurant had an all-you-can-eat salad bar and big windows looking out onto the river. As I sat there enjoying the last light of day, I couldn’t have been happier. Two states down, one to go!


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