Tuesday, September 25, 2018

D140-D141: The end 終點站到了

Days 140-141:

Leaving Hopkins Lake, I had 6.3 miles to go, all downhill, and 2 and a half hours in which to do it, so it was a very leisurely walk. It didn't look like it would rain this morning and I even saw some blue sky. Finally I was on the home stretch! 


My friend Chris from Saskatchewan had volunteered to come pick me up at the end of the trail. He flew out from Saskatoon, drove from Vancouver in a rented vehicle, and hiked to the border to welcome me back to Canada. Of all the other hikers I talked to on the trail, I don't know anyone who had a welcoming party like me, so I felt very lucky! Chris, you're a true friend.


We had agreed on noon at the border and I didn't want to get to the border too early, so I actually had to stop along the trail and kill 15 minutes before continuing. At Mile 2651, someone marked "1 mi. to go" and I actually started laughing out loud. 

I remembered the very first mile of the PCT, which was also marked. It seemed so far away and so long ago. The distance between the start of the trail and that first mile marker also seemed so insignificant that now, standing only one mile from the end, the reality finally hit me. I WOULD MAKE IT. In fact, I was basically there already. Even if I broke my legs now, I would be able to crawl my way to that border! Just around the bend, I got a view of a thin, straight line cut out of the forest. This is the Canada-US border. Somewhere down at the bottom of that line was the end of the PCT.

At twelve noon on September 24th, Day 140 on the trail, I reached the Canadian border.


Chris was there waiting for me, and he even brought some Pilsner to celebrate my re-entry to Canada. 


Obviously, we had to get our monument pictures done next.


The next order of business was to sign the last trail register of the PCT, located in a box behind the monument. As marijuana was legal in Washington at this time but still not yet in Canada, a lot of people had simply abandoned their pot stash in the register box. As soon as I opened it up I got a whiff of weed and there was a whole bunch just sitting loose in the bottom of the box. 


My last order of business before leaving the border was to crack open the PCT beer that Omar had given me two weeks earlier and that I had carried with me to the border. It seemed like a perfect ending to the trail. Thanks again, Omar.

Crossing the border into Canada at the PCT endpoint is permitted if you apply for permission ahead of time, but there are no customs agents at the border, so with my permit in hand I simply walked into the country, following the Canadian PCT access trail. It was a beautiful fall day and before long I was at the endpoint of my 5-month hike, Manning Park.


My shoes had sure taken a beating. I wore this pair in three states, from the tip of Northern California, all through Oregon, and all through Washington, for a total of over 1000 miles. 


Our first stop once we hit the road was of course McDonald's! I hadn't had any McDonald's on the trail since Cajon Junction back in May, which was also the one and only time I had it on the whole trip. Finally getting to hit up Mickey D's again put a smile on my face. 


We got to Vancouver and spent the night at our friend Zak's place. Being able to celebrate the end of the trail with two of my best friends in Canada was very special. 

My first real destination after the trail is my sister's place in Kelowna, B.C. My cousin Scott, the one who joined me for four days in Washington, took me there. As I mentioned before, he is a pilot and needs to build more hours, so he agreed to fly me there! We flew right along the border, and even got to see exactly where I had crossed over on the PCT the day before. 


After a safe landing in Kelowna, I was reunited with my sister. Tomorrow, I will start the slow transition back to "normal" life.

The first thing I want to do is just binge on being indoors. Having all parts of my body be at a comfortable temperature for 24 hours straight and not stubbing my toe on a rock or root for an entire day will seem like a miracle, not to mention having access to running water and a refrigerator. I'll go back to Saskatchewan soon and there I will start my pilot training. Before the end of the year, I plan to be back in Taiwan, right back where this whole journey began. For now, I'm just going to enjoy the feeling of accomplishment that comes with completing a continuous footpath from the Mexican border to B.C.


Postscript 結束語:

So what does it feel like to have walked 2650 miles all the way across the US? Well, that's a lot like asking a recent high school graduate what it feels like to have finished all his schooling from Grade 1 to Grade 12. For one thing, it's simply too much to be able to fully comprehend all at once; the sheer breadth of the experience makes it impossible to accurately summarize. For another, just as a person is fundamentally different in Grade 1 than in Grade 12, so a hiker is different during the first days of the hike when compared with the last days of the hike. My judgement of the first few days now is fundamentally different than my experience of them back in May. 


Although there are certain aspects of the trip that were under my control, like what food I took with me and how many miles I walked in a given day, most of what actually made the trip memorable was out of my control. The weather, the kindness of trail angels, the other hikers I met, the places I learned of only because someone else happened to mention them to me, and the trail itself, maintained by an army of volunteers: all these things shaped my experience on the trail but were not at all under my control.


So maybe the best word I can use to describe how it feels to have dedicated 5 months of my life to the PCT is this: lucky. Lucky that this trail exists at all, lucky that it is maintained so well, and lucky that all the other factors mentioned above conspired to provide me with an overwhelmingly positive experience, not a negative one. There are so many people that made my trip better that I wrote an entire blog page just to thank them. 


At Scout and Frodo's before starting the PCT, Scout told us that we were going on the trail not to collect miles but to collect experiences. He told us he could tell us a story about each and every day on the trail from his thru-hike, and asked us to consider how much that contrasts with normal everyday life. Now, Scout is a bit of a storyteller by nature, so I figured this was probably an exaggeration, and even if it wasn't, it probably wouldn't be true for me. What amazes me now is that, as I look at my trail log, I actually do remember every single day and every single campsite for all 140 days, and could probably tell you at least one interesting thing that happened on each of those days. My life is now so much richer thanks to my time on trail, where every day is a new adventure. 


The PCT taught me the value of simplicity, perseverance, rest, modern conveniences, generosity and kindness to strangers. It showed me how easily people of all nationalities, religions, and political leanings can find common ground and be supportive of one another. I would recommend this trail to just about anyone who can walk.


Would I ever do it again? Most definitely.


1 comment:

  1. I loved reading through your blog Tyler! Congratulations on a fantastic accomplishment. Thanks for sharing - all the best in your next adventure!����
