Sunday, September 16, 2018

D125-D132: A warm cabin, a warm cabin, and a warm cabin! 一棟又一棟的溫暖山屋

Days 125 to 132:

After saying goodbye to my cousin Scott at Chinook Pass, I kept walking on the PCT. Some angel had left some fresh fruit on the trail for hikers and I gladly took an orange to have with supper that night. 


My goal was to not have to hunt for campsites at night anymore for the rest of the trail, so when I got to a lake about an hour before sunset, I didn't hesitate in setting up camp.

The next day, I woke up to a wet tent and sleeping pad. It had rained a lot during the night and a bit of moisture had come through the tent floor. I find packing up wet gear covered in dirt and needles is one of the most disheartening things that can happen on trail, especially when there is no sun forecast.


I finally caught up to Dani, Rand, Eleanor and Orangutan, four hikers I had spent time with in Southern California and the Sierras but hadn't seen since. They didn't even recognize me at first because of how much my beard has grown since the beginning of July.

今天終於趕上表弟在Kracker Barrel遇到的四位登山客,這四位我在南加和內華達山脈常遇到的,很多時候也是一起紮營的夥伴。今天再次看到他們我很開心,不過我走過的時候他們看了我好一陣子才認得出我,畢竟我的鬍子這兩個月長長了。

The scenery today was as good as ever for Washington, but the clouds came in thicker and thicker throughout the day and by mid-afternoon it started to rain again.


As of several days ago, I already knew were I was going to stay today. There was a backcountry cabin beside the trail and I planned on staying there no matter what time of day I arrived. As it turned out, I arrived at the Mike Ulrich Cabin by mid-afternoon in the rain and having a roof over my head in the middle of the wet forest made me almost jump for joy. Not only was it a dry cabin, but people already there had a FIRE going inside!! It was hot and dry in there and I was able to take off all my layers and even hang up all my wet gear to dry. Everyone had their sleeping bags and tents hanging on the rafters and things were drying very quickly thanks to the fire! It was a complete mental and physical reset for every hiker that came in, so the mood in the cabin was exuberant.


Some locals had been out in their jeeps and had left salsa and arugula behind for the hikers. I had tortillas, chicken packets, and some of Scott's leftover cheese in my food bag, and there was a wood stove in the cabin, so... I was able to make REAL QUESADILLAS right there in the cabin! Having food with fresh greens and meat that wasn't tuna, cooked on a hot stove as I sat inside watching the rain fall was one of the best surprises I had on the entire PCT. It really was my lucky day!


More and more people showed up as afternoon turned to evening. Matt was there, as was Rand's group, and despite my suggestion that they just stay the night at the cabin, they decided to push on. It was still early, but I didn't think getting a few more miles done in the rain was worth giving up a night in a nice warm cabin! That's always the dilemma on trail: when to push on and get a few more miles done to make the following days easier, and when to cut your losses and just rest or stop for the day. Considering how much it rained that night, I have no doubt that I made the right decision by staying at the cabin! Lying down in the warm loft reading a book, I thought to myself that I would never take shelter for granted again. Without any effort on my part, every square inch of my body is warm and dry; it is simply magical. I am even considering staying here tomorrow for a zero, depending on the weather.


By 11 p.m. the cabin's loft and main floor were entirely packed with hikers in their sleeping bags. It was so full that when I came down from the loft in the middle of the night, I couldn't even see the wooden floor and had to try hopping between sleeping bags just to get to the door. It was also so warm with that fire going that it was the only night on trail where I went to sleep with no sleeping bag and no shirt on.


The next day was another foggy, rainy day. It wasn't very pleasant walking, but the red leaves of fall were nice to look at and there were still a ton of berries along the trail.


Around noon, just as the weather was really getting miserable, I came upon a forest road crossing with a huge tent set up on it, and a sign with a hiker's two favourite words on it: Trail Magic! A trail angel had set up this warm, dry space for hikers to rest in. There was a little wood stove inside the tent, so it was warm inside and there was hot water for tea, coffee or hot chocolate.

中午左右天氣開始變差時我遇到一條林道,林道上有一個大型帳棚,旁邊看到一個牌子,上面寫登山客最愛的兩個字:trail magic耶!有一位當地的trail angel在下雨天來這裡弄出一個可以躲雨的空間共我們休息,裡面甚至有一個小柴爐,不只可以躲雨還可以取暖喔,trail angel也準備熱水讓我們自己泡茶、咖啡、熱可可。

Monster, Cheez-Its, Rand and company, and a few others were all hiding out from the weather in the tent. It was such a luxury to sit in a chair having a hot drink and eating lunch, being able to forget about the weather for a while. Two downpours happened just in the hour I was in the tent, and I was sure thankful to have missed both of these. Thank you to Roger the trail angel!!

In the afternoon, there was a period of about five minutes where the clouds parted and I saw blue sky. I was so happy to see the sun that I stopped to take a picture of it. It was a great morale boost, even though it was very brief.

I got another morale boost that evening. I got to camp before dark again, and discovered once I was in my tent that I had full cell service here. I binged on the internet on my phone, staying up way later than I should have, but it was nice to have a taste of civilization again. Unfortunately, there was some bad news today as well. The zipper on my tent started failing again. I tried squeezing it together as recommended by the manufacturer, as it worked the last time I did this, in July. However, this time the zipper still wouldn't close and after a few times moving it up and down in vain, the zipper pull actually broke off! Now I had no way of fully closing the outer door of my tent and if there was ever a strong wind with rain or snow, it would blow right inside.

The next day it didn't rain, but the ground and leaves were all still wet from the past few days.

In the afternoon, I saw the highway leading to Snowqualmie Pass and arrived there before supper. This is mainly a ski resort area and there is actually one ski club cabin that is open for hikers during the summer, the Guye Cabin. This cabin has a big kitchen, rec room and living room for hikers to use, and bunks for us to use with our sleeping bags. They only charge 20 bucks a night, but are expected to do a housekeeping chore as well. As far as I'm concerned it's a really good deal. If there's any chance to get under a roof on a rainy day, I will take it!

下午我看到通往Snowqualmie埡口的公路,晚餐之前就走到埡口了。這裡沒有村莊,只有滑雪場和幾家店和住宿處,其中有一棟山莊Guye Cabin夏天會讓登山客入住。山莊內有大廚房、客廳、桌球室,有床鋪可以睡,要自備睡袋不過對我們來說這當然不成問題。住一晚只要20塊美金,但莊主也會派家事給大家做,一人一項,其實這樣很划算,在登山的時候能睡室內我什麼家事也都願意做!

Of course, the first thing I did at Snowqualmie Pass was go have some food. Then I went to the Chevron gas station, which holds packages for PCT hikers free of charge! This is a valuable service, as the nearest post office is over 10 miles away. My resupply box was there, but unfortunately my wool shirt sent by the Trout Lake Grocery Store wasn't here yet! If it didn't get here tomorrow, I might have to take an unwanted zero here just to wait for the shirt. On my way back to the Guye Cabin, I saw a familiar face. I couldn't believe it, but it was Omar, the hiker I'd met near Chester back at the beginning of August and hadn't seen since! Somehow, despite my skipping ahead in Northern California and whatever parts of the trail he had skipped, we were both in Snowqualmie at the exact same time at the same spot. He was staying at the Guye Cabint, too, so we agreed to meet up there later on.

回到文明世界要做的第一件事當然是大吃。吃飽後我去隔壁的加油站領包裹,這間加油站會幫登山客免費代收包裹,沒有他們這項服務就很麻煩,最近的郵局離這裡有16公里。我自己寄的補給箱已經送到加油站了,但從Trout Lake超市寄過來的羊毛上衣還沒到,如果明天早山還沒到的話我可能要在這裡多等一天,只為了一件衣服浪費一整天。回山莊的路上我看到一個很熟悉的人朝我的方向走,竟然是8月初在北加Chester認識的Omar,從Chester到這裡超過1600公里的路沒有再度看到他。我自己在跳過北加挑過一段,他應該也沒走某一段路才能今天已經到這裡了,兩人剛好同一天走到這裡實在太巧合了。他說今晚也會住山莊所以我們約晚一點在那裡碰面聊天。

Matt had been trying desperately to get to Snowqualmie Pass earlier, even attempting a 24-hour day on the way, so I expected him to be ahead of me but he ended up being at Guye Cabin, too. We ended up going back to the main road and having supper together at the local brewery. Yes, this isn't even a town, it's just a highway pass, but it has a brewery.

Back at Guye Cabin I went and talked to Omar for a while. He told me this was going to be the end of his PCT journey this year and he was going back home from here. He had a bunch of beers from the local brewery and offered me a can of their PCT Pale Ale. I told him I would take that beer in my pack all the way to the border and save it to celebrate completing the trail.

回到山莊後我去找Omar聊天。他說他今年PCT的故事到此為止,要直接從Snowqualmie回家。他在啤酒場買了好幾罐啤酒,也送了我一罐以步道命名的PCT Pale Ale啤酒。我覺得這罐很適合走完步道後慶祝時喝,所以就跟他說這一罐我會一直揹到加拿大的邊境再喝。
The next morning I went and joined Matt at the pancake house for breakfast and sat around waiting for the mail to arrive at the Chevron. I went in at noon and found out my package had just arrived that morning! I now had a warm wool base layer to deal with the cold, damp Washington weather, and I could get back on the trail right away!

I passed the 2400-mile marker today, which meant that I still had over 250 miles to go, but my shoes were starting to show signs of wear. There was a hole on each side of both shoes and I was starting to wonder if the whole front would split open!


The next couple days were cloudy but it didn't rain much. The scenery around every corner was breathtaking and I have to say Washington is even nicer than the Sierras. There are gorgeous lakes here, too, but it's too cold to enjoy swimming in them now.


Despite the great scenery, I am starting to feel like I've had enough of the trail. It could be the colder days, it could be all the cloud and rain, it could be the shorter days that make it hard to get all the miles in before dark, or it could just be that I'm already looking forward to what comes after the trail (pilot training). Whatever it is, I don't think I will be sad when I get to the end. It's been an amazing journey, but its time is coming to a natural end.


The next resupply stop is Stevens Pass. On the day I arrived at this pass, I passed Man and Sunny again! They are the couple from Hong Kong that I met back in Taiwan during snow training. I passed them previously when I was going south with my friend Sana in Northern California, and today caught up to them again going north. I was happy to see they seemed in much better spirits today than when I saw them in Northern California. Because of the fire closure by the Canadian border, they had actually given up on finishing the PCT this year, bought tickets home, and were in Vancouver ready to fly out. Just two days before their flight, the trail reopened and they quickly made arrangements to get back on the trail and finish Washington. Now there was nothing that would stop them and I could see it in their eyes!


Stevens Pass is a mountain resort, skiing in the winter, mountain biking in the summer. The Mountaineers Lodge is open to hikers during the summer and I couldn't pass up another chance to have a roof over my head.

This lodge ended up being my absolute favourite spot to stay on the entire PCT! The day I arrived it had rained a bit at noon at one of the high passes, and people who arrived later in the day said it was snowing on them in the afternoon. This was bad news as I still had over 200 miles to go and would likely encounter more snow over the coming days. For the moment, though, it was great news because I was indoors!


This place was set up so well for hikers. They had a drying room kept very warm and dry with heaters and fans for all of our wet gear.

There was a huge common room with a roaring fire in the fireplace keeping the place nice and warm. They had tons of outlets for charging, showers, and a ton of room for mingling in the big common room, with nice couches by the fireplace. This was a place to get out of the rain, kick back and relax. On top of all this, meals were included!!


Like Guye Cabin, they asked that everyone help out with a chore while staying there, as the place is entirely run by volunteers. After months on trail, hikers were more than willing to get in the kitchen and wash dishes; in fact, it was a bit of a novelty. They put some tunes on, and we had those dishes done up in 10 minutes flat. Under normal circumstances, people would probably feel strange having to do chores when paying for accommodation. For me, though, it almost felt like a privilege to be able to wash dishes with hot running water, dishsoap, sinks and towels. It was sure a lot easier than the cold soaking, scraping and tongue cleaning I was used to on the trail. It was amazing how cheery everyone was as we did our chores.


At night, everyone sat together in the common room and they put on a movie for us. We were just like a bunch of kids at summer camp; the atmosphere in this lodge is hard to beat. The next day I wasn't sure what time I would leave and I was waiting to see what the weather would do. The forecast was terrible for that day, and I realized that with the end of the PCT getting nearer, this might be my last chance to take a nice zero. I hadn't taken a zero since Chester, five weeks earlier, and what better place could there be to take a zero than this nice, warm ski lodge where they feed us three meals a day!? Just like that, I decided to stay out of the rain and snow and give myself one full day of rest. I paid for my second night, and then curled up on the couch by the fire for the whole afternoon, reading and chatting with other hikers there. It rained off and on all day, and hikers coming in today spoke of a lot of snow up at higher elevations. Staying indoors today: best decision ever!

I even got to play crib with someone here. This is one of my favourite card games, but it's hard to find people who know how to play it. It just so happened that there was a guy there who wanted to play, so while he got a stick-and-poke tattoo done on his leg (by a girl who had just gotten her own stick-and-poke tattoo done that morning and had asked me to do it for her but I declined due to my horrific artistic skills), I played crib with him to distract him. It was interesting end to my favourite zero of the entire PCT.


Tomorrow I head out on my second-to-last section of the PCT. I'm hoping the snow on the trail isn't too bad, and that it doesn't snow even more in the next few days. The short, cold, wet days I'm experiencing now are in stark contrast to the long, warm, sunny days of the previous two states. It feels like the mountains have had enough of us and are trying to kick us out now. I hope my way out is actually via the northern terminus into Canada!


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